the word "WOG’ is a perfect example…it was only during my time on these forums i realised it didnt mean in England what it means here
a ‘Wog’ in australia is typically an italian or greek immigrant or children of those immigrants, (of which i am one) and through the years has become a term of endearment…but i wouldnt use it on here becuase i have become well aware it has a different meaning in other parts of the world
i actually dont know…its just a bit of a nothing…like a loving put down…thats the point…its a harmless insult, if i was made aware it had a greater meaning…
The OTT pejorative reference to ‘redheads’ is also problematic although because apparently something associated with celtic genes is harder to categorise as ‘racial’ it seems to be fine on here amongst many otherwise high horsed PC whingers.
I should go on the TAN talkshow to prevent the next generation from falling into the trap of calling out corrupt politicians who use worse inflammatory language.