The Arsenal Thread

Claude turning in his grave.

Arsenal’s net spend over the past five years has been more than double ours IIRC.

They’ve got the money. It’s just that the club isn’t well run.

I wonder what Wenger is thinking?


The irony is that his arrival there as a player signaled the beginning of the end for Arsenal as a serious player.


Arteta be favourite for the sack

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Fuck Arsenal.

Thé fans were in revolt against Wenger who as it turns out was a football genius to keep them in the top 4 all this time.

Glad after calling for his head that the shit has hit the fan - over and over again


That’s pretty damning against don robbie and aftv

Mate, that video is an hour long, I can barely watch an hour of a game that doesn’t feature us let alone a vid of a random guy talking about the fan channel of another club. He lost me at Fair Use Policy about 2 minutes in…

If you have watched it then you’re a better man than I. What’s the gist of it?


He got kicked off aftv for wearing a Palistine hoodie that robbie kept trying to censor or get him to take off, then didn’t like it when Moh called them out for allowing turkish and nigerian flags/scarves and the lies Robbie told as to the reason behind Moh getting kicked off

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Hahaha that is funny as fuck

To be honest I’m not really sure a fan tv channel is the place to air political views etc.

I would hate to watch an LFC channel that was all politics. I’d watch it because I wanna know about the club. If I wanna know about Palestine, or the West Bank, or the latest political wranglings in Afghanistan then I’ll check out sky news or look on you tube at those topics.

If I am watching LFC tv the only thing I wanna hear about is LFC


That is fair, but what Moh was calling out is the hypocrisy as he wasn’t able to wear a Palestine shirt/hoodie yet others got away with it.


If that’s the case then fair play for calling it out but you can see why clubs are keen to stay away from political issues like this as it opens a can of worms.

I don’t think Arsenal Fan TV are affiliated to the club are they? At least if they were I’d assume Arsenal are keen to distance themselves from this storm that’s brewing


That would depend on who/why others were wearing those flags though, wouldn’t it?


I don’t think it’s hypocritical at all. Having a Nigeria flag waving about isn’t going to elicit the same emotional response as a Palestine flag or hoodie.

The channel is Robbie’s cash cow, it’s mindless entertainment. I don’t blame him at all for wanting to stay away from highly charged political topics, he has nothing to gain from it and has more to lose than whoever that fella is. North London also has a large jewish community does it not? Another factor to consider.


Exactly. An Arsenal fan wearing Palestinian colours seems intended to provoke an anti-Israel (anti Jew?) response of the kind often directed towards their fiercest rivals.

It’s easy to see why AFTV would not want to risk being associated with that.


Ye forgot about the Jewish / spurs Linkd.

Fucking moron

If Robbie does not hand out Arsenal tops pre interview…
Then what right has he to be so touchy.!

So why allow Nigerian scarves or Turkish flags? He never spoke about Palestine, yet plenty did speak about political issues elsewere, lots of mysogeny, anti-semitism that was all allowed to go without any sort of censorship - but wearing a shirt isn’t allowed?

That is the double standards he was kicked off for


Fuck me; you lot have way too much time on your hands.