The Arsenal Thread

Every fan forum etc should have a Palestinian flag. In fact it should be incorporated into the taking the knee gesture before kickoff. Israel really needs to do better and we would all be better off if this was regularly expressed.


Purely in terms of football and Arsenal, do we really need a debate about the policies of a fan channel that is not even endorsed by that club? Asking for a friend.

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I feel legit bad for Arsenal. I mean its one thing to lose a game and have everything go badly. But the mood around their fan base etc has been doom and darkness all around, even before yesterdays game. So they turn to the thing they can vent on, which is Arteta.

I personally think Arteta will find more sucess elsewhere, but now , its best to cut and leave. Arsenal need a real personality as their manager. Someone who can get their fans unified. But that manager doesnt seem to exist. This takes a rebuild and steady hands and i look around and i see no manager who can come into Arsenal and just change things and get the fans on their side as well…

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Wenger could do 12months!

Arsenal now are basically us from the Hicks and Gillette era.

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We were in much deeper trouble, but yeah, they have work to do on and off the pitch.

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If we are going to go down that route then we should probably have about 90 different flags then.

I don’t get the obsession but it’s “cool” isn’t it. Absolutely no mention of China? Ever…

It’s not the place for debate but why does one energise a group while other similar even worse abuse doesn’t get a mention.

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I like Robbie. I think he’s a genuine football fan trying to make a living from his passion. He’s not an intellectual genius or a smart political operator and no one should expect him to be.
Arsenal have lost one game and there’s a feeding frenzy. It’s madness.

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I’m often mentioning China - perhaps not regularly on here as it is a football forum. The despicable Xi regime is finally getting called out as we (unfortunately) move back towards a world on a war footing.

Not saying you don’t, some however seem very blind to certain countries and yet are almost obsessed with others when their knowledge doesn’t seem to be on the whole much different.


Love how people think that wearing a T Shirt that says Palestine on it makes any difference at all.

It makes zero difference if you are Joe Bloggs on the street.

If you are the latest influencer with 10million followers then ok maybe….

Any old knob on Arsenal TV isn’t going to start change

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Arsenal are brilliant.

Roma can’t get the Xhaka deal done and then Arsenal just gives him a brand new 4-year contract.



If this is true…ROFL :rofl:


I think it just helps keep Palestine in people’s minds. And maybe even generate a conversation or two. Like this one.


No, I don’t think that’s equivalent. I see Arsenal as more like us when Souness took over.

They’re being left behind by a lack of succession planning, a lack of foresight, the void left by the departure of key individuals from the boardroom to the scouting department, and the appointment of a former player out of his depth.


It would be awesome for people that are only interested discussing Arsenal if you can create a thread for it and move all discussions there.

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Why the fuck have they offered them to Barca.

They are the one club in the world more fucked than Arsenal :rofl:


I presume it’s a classic example of an empty threat.

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Yep, it’s a case of a club rotting from within and no one seeing the evidence of it until far too late.


have they hit Torben Piechnik, David Speedie or Jimmy Carter low yet or is that still to come…