The British Royal Family

I have to admit that Beethoven’s funeral march from Eroica is incredibly fitting. I saw an entire performance of that at the Philharmonic years ago. Incredibly moving piece.


The Royal Navy appear to be failing to fill quota’s.

As seemingly do all the armed forces. We notice it because it’s obviously not there.

One hell of a spectacle that was. Weak from the AB of C for me but he’s a man of his god, not words. A sad day but a very proud one. Nobody, no country, no institution could replicate that and in and across such iconic places. Pound will be up 10% tomorrow, just watch.


I recorded it here in the States. Just saw a bit of it, after the funeral, carrying the coffin to the hearse. I will go back and watch it.

Made me proud to be British, watching the bit I did. The pomp and pageantry is unlike anything else in the world.


am watching the procession down the long walk into Windsor castle now.

Been watching it for some time, but no volume. What’s with the rocking side-to-side in unison? just a thing they do?

I imagine it is to keep in step while they aren’t actually moving forward.

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Called marking time. Remember that from my CCF training. I never quite got the hang of it :smirk:

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I’ve not seen the castles like this before. really does show the obscene amount of money in the royal family that they can own so much land with a massive castle on it, in the middle of London.

I had a lump in my throat just now, with the steps in unison and the Scottish bag pipes, it is so moving, especially seeing the Queen’s beloved Corgis saying goodbye to her.


It’s not in the middle of London. It is in Berkshire.

Been a castle there since Norman times. Amazing place to visit.


As said, it’s not in London. It’s also not owned by the Royal Family but by “the Crown”, which is the State.

maybe not Windsor Castle, but Buckingham Palace is quite a structure on its own as well?

aren’t the two places less than 40km apart?

Both owned by the State, not the Royal Family.


It’s a separate and wider discussion, but most of what the Royal Family has, is held in the name of the State via the Crown.

It is billions and billions worth… but it is not theirs!

On a personal level they are rich, and that stuff should be taxed, and the monarchy slimmed down, as I’m sure Charles will establish.

In the meantime, what a moving day this is. It’s beautiful. It’s hard to put a finger on it, but the pomp, ceremony, castles, soldiers, cavalry, uniforms, music… all of it together, just feels like some of the best of civilization, and puts us in touch with the centuries that came before.


be curious to know how structured in history this whole service is. obviously not the first head of state that’s been lowered through the floor at that house of worship. absolutely fascinating.

That would be pathetic.

Maybe some of you will find this an interesting read:

I ran it through Google Translate so it’s in (probably not that good, English).

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Alot of credit goes to these pallbearers the way the carried the lead lined coffin up those stairs with exact timing and precision at Windsor Castle, with the whole world watching them.


They flew in from Iraq recently and are going back. Service. Very much QE2’s mantra.


It was their job. Their specific job as part of the Queen’s Company. These are soldiers trained for it.
There are harder duties in the military than this, solemn as it is.

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