The British Royal Family

I’m not sure why there’s so much obsession with that. It’s quite clearly not just her, it’s a Royal Family thing.

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Taking a step back, yes this is terrible. It’s terrible for her and the kids. It’s terrible for William having to go through this simultaneously with his dad and now the mother of his kids. But the Palace’s handling of this was awful and should be something they are much better at than they showed themselves to be (unless of course you think Kate did do the photoshop herself and did it under the radar of the handlers).

The initial conspiracy stuff was silly and had limited reach. It was something the Palace could have ignored, especially as her public absence was already preemptive explained by an official statement they made around the turn of the year of her going for a medical procedure that would keep her away from public appearances until the Spring. We were still in the period explained by that statement, and if the palace felt the conspiracies were worth responding to they could have just pointed to that sign. They didn’t need to post that stupid fucking photoshop and it was predictable it would blow up into something orders of magnitude bigger once the fuck up was identified.


Agree with this.

What this whole episode says about a) how the Royal family sees itself, and b) how it feels it has to interact with the citizenry of the nation it ostensibly leads is the most interesting thing to me.