The British Royal Family

RIP Your Majesty


This is an amazing video


My heartfelt sympathies to all.

I remembered her as a young lad, the stateliness, the dignity. It was always with her.

Presidents came and went, politicians came and went, many things came and went. Yet, year after year, she would still be there same as ever. She was a constant.

Now, as with us all, she leaves the world. I will miss her.

God save the Queen.

And God save the King.


Being born in 64 she has always been part of the world i live in - and i had the foolish hope it would be so forever. I have nothing but respect for her. respect and gratitude because after the war and the atrocities we germans started she reached out her hand in friendship to us. You lost your Queen, we lost a friend.


I keep 3 papers. One was a present from a good friend, Apollo 11. The other 2 I bought and the back page is very deliciously red. Copy of the Times tomorrow, will be number 4.

Mrs and I were going out today, both have a day off. Had a lovely plan of a picnic in the dwindling summer sun. Suspect we’ll now just stay home and drink. Sad but true.


Best way, lingering on the brink for days / weeks / months does nobody any good. Death is always a bad thing (well, almost) but a swift one is a mercy.


Had a quick google earlier, surprised the official coronations of Charles the 3rd will “probably” take so long. I always assumed (looking at you Hollywood) that once the deceased monarch had had their funeral, it was god save the king and party time. Seems it will be months. Wonder if this will be speeded up given the state of the state.

I’m no royal family fan but the one thing that has remained constant in my 47 years is we have had the same queen.
If we had 4 or 5 in that time I don’t think it would feel like a huge loss but all my life we have had one queen.

Strangely I do feel quite sad. She always carried herself with dignity and class and I truly think that with her pssing the royal family have also died. She was the last great member of that family.


Agree with everything except the last line.

Charles will be an outstanding king, if the rightwing media give him a fair go.


I don’t think he’ll have a problem with the media for quite a period of time. Will depend on what he does obviously. Carrying on his mum’s work is absolutely the path. Trying to re-invent the role based on some of his erm “stranger” views might not be the wisest course of action. But then surely he knows better than anybody that those who cheer at your coronation will be front and centre at your execution (metaphorically speaking)


I have no doubt that he will assiduously continue his mother’s good work and not intervene in political matters.

That won’t stop the rabid rightwing press from attacking him for holding ideas with which they don’t agree, especially on environmental issues.


And faiths, don’t forget defender of faiths. Bloody lefty……

I was born in commonwealth Africa, then lived in the UK, the Aus for nearly 40 years so have a strong bond with the uK and the Queen in particular.

Interesting here as we sung god save the Queen as the national anthem here at primary school in the 80s then voted for a republic in 99.

Overall I’ve a huge respect for Elizabeth II and mourn her passing more than expected.

I feel most aussies mourn the Queen but this might be the cusp of a change in years to come.

Best to all.


For those with a Telegraph subscription, there’s a really good piece on Charles here:


The Queen became monarch on her father’s death on 6 February 1952 but her coronation was not till the following year 2 June 1953. I have a photo of my mother holding me at our street party in Bootle among all the trestle tables and bunting.

This is how the coronation was celebrated in our street. Got the kids to knock seven bells out of each other. Guess it kept them quiet :slight_smile:


From the day I was born in 1956, the Queen has been a constant presence in my life. Decades of devoted service to our United Kingdom and the Commonwealth. She was a wonderful mother, grandmother, great grandmother and a devoted wife to her husband Prince Philip. I am deeply saddened by her death.
Rest in peace your majesty, you will be missed.



Wow what a photo. Dads watching on, probably having a wee bet on the outcome

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This was two days before she died, in this photo she looks as if she had a few good years in her.