The Central Midfield Thread

Easy. Yours.

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Like others Iā€™m struggling to understand how we fix the lack of pressure from midfield that we suffered from last season with very attack minded midfielders. But it sure it going to be fun to watch!

Looking foreword to MacAllister and Szoboszlai lining up behind Diaz, Nunez and Salah. Absolute carnage, one way or the other!

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Itā€™s not the 90s anymore. At this level these days its rare to find someone who can get away with not putting in a shift. This is what his former manager said about him


The last 9 games or so of the season gave us a glimpse as to how we can control games better even without buying a ball winner. Jones and Trent added real class both on and off the ball, quality that transformed the midfield from something like a 2/10 to 7.5/10. With the additions of Mac Allister and Szoboslai, they can only help in a similar manner. Theyā€™ll both press, but importantly theyā€™ll add more quality on the ball.

My position is still that Fabinho should be replaced with a better player. Itā€™s the low hanging fruit, players like Rice or Caicedo would make that group of midfielders absolutely formidable, but it might be too much to ask in one window.

I get the impression some are starting to think that Mac Allister and Szoboslai are luxury signings who donā€™t address any issues the midfield had last season. I donā€™t see it that way, at all.


Yeah, but even after 3 years we still get the same said about Thiago. Of the many things you can say about him and how well it has worked, work rate and defensive commitment should not be anywhere on the list. He, like these two are the archetypal ā€œmodern midfielderā€ in that theyā€™re quality on the ball and are committed to working like hell when they dont have it.

Reading around on Szoboslai the main knock on him defensively has been that at 6ā€™2" he isnā€™t that agile once he gets moving and so, especially early on, when he has applied pressure he has had a tendency to overcommit resulting in him being played around. Fundamentally though it represents a player with enthusiasm and athleticism, who maybe just needs to hone the craft a bit more.

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If we have 3 Thiago, we won quadruple last session.

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That sounds time the issue Emre Can used to have in midfield for us.

Just without the pace :joy:

Or, hopefully, the ego.

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If we get sobs in, whatā€™s our transfer budget looking like for July? Did they not say 200m war chest or was just that just press speculation.

Thus far, weā€™re certainly not supplementing with any sales to bring in revenue, just release on frees

Any midfield we get or will get almost certainly be compared to our trio who won everything. Fab, Hendo and Gini on paper will hardly inspire anyone nor would anyone believe back then, would win everything there is in club football. And all these not because they are the one man show stopper that some clubs like to buy and think that solves every problem. That trio was so good because they perfectly compensated and complented each other.

I never thought Fab changed much. He has always had some weaknesses but he had 2 in front of him who would hound alot of the balls even before it got to Fab and he sweeps up those that escape through.

Last season, the 2 in front of him obviously no longer had the legs. Hendo obviously will not be able to do that role game in game out anymore. The left CM only saw some consistency when Jones had a run of games.

So if Macalister and Sfhddhgfhlai joins us, I will be more than happy. It might be the bare minimum but 2 quality CM in front of rotating Fab/Hendo/Stefan would be great reset. It gives Stefan a couple of seasons to develop into the potential we can see last season. And in front of these trio, Macalister, Sgnchujflai, Jones and Elliot as 4 CM options are youth, energy and quality, as long all stay fit.

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If I had to guess, Iā€™d say that weā€™re going to morph into being a possession based team instead of relying on all out intensity. Thatā€™d explain the lack of prioritising a ball winner. Weā€™re not intending to lose the ball in the first place.

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If truth be told and the links to Mount we always were after a AM type Iā€™m over the moon with the signing we seem to have got.

I would and would still be absolutely gutted if he had gone Newcastle or anyone else in the PL. Generally stood out for me in most games Iā€™ve seen.


Donā€™t know if any have touched on this, but if Trent will be playing in midfield this coming season, who will be taking up the right FB/WBK position? Can the Greek scouser play in an inverted role?

Trent isnā€™t playing midfield, he never was.


I mean, he kind of is.


Heā€™s playing as an inverted wingback. Itā€™s just that heā€™s transitioning into the wingback role to temporarily occupy the areas that a CDM will be occupying during certain periods of the game.

Not a change of position

Itā€™s a tactical ā€˜tweakā€™ soon to be found out by opponents.

The opponents will be ready for that. The key is when he shifts to the inverted fullback role. Itā€™s not going to be everytime he starts an attack.

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But itā€™s great because we get an extra player on the pitch somehow.