The Copa America thread

It doesn’t fall under advantage so I think he was incorrect regardless if they play or don’t play to the whistle the play should have stopped when it hit the ref.

Unless I’m missing something in the rules.

Neymar must have had his Covid vaccination on his legs, and magnetized to the ground! :crazy_face:

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Can’t stand Neymar, I can’t stand that Bolosarno will get to use this as propaganda.

I do hope someone can beat them.


Free header with no time left for the final corner. What’s Columbia thinking?!

Neymar: Such a skill footballer but with absolutely zero, sorry, negative levels of class and humility.


Becker and Fabinho stayed on the bench, Firmino came on in the second half and scored the equalizer.

I had to try real hard, to stay awake for the second goal.

Both Cavani and Suarez looked well off the pace and aside them Uruguay seemed devoid of quality. Had high hopes for the Bentancur guy.

If I remember the match (from last night) correctly, Cavani missed a few sitters.

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Cant see how Brazil don’t win this to be honest. Yet they don’t seem particularly thrilling to watch.

Paraguay have been quite entertaining as have Ecuador

Not in the realms of possibility that a better organised performance than Columbia’s at the end could knock out Brazil.

I know they were missing players but they did seem to have no answer until they got lucky.

Brazil vs Ecuador match is on TV (TSN), while Venezuela v Peru is on streaming here.

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Yeah gone with that too considering how entertaining Peru have been.

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All 3 of our boys are playing today.

Yeah, I have both matches on. Big screen in front and small screen next to me.

Just realised that Neymar is not on the pitch. It’s really great not having to watch his theatrics.


Both teams now had a chance they should have done better with.

Peru scoring may have made this a bit more entertaining

Getting interesting that Ecuador scored 1.

That’s changed the whole situation. Would rather Ecuador go through felt they’ve done more.