The Copa America thread

Jamaica getting the LFC treatment by the refs here. Award Ecuador a dubious penalty, then don’t award Jamaica a similarly dubious penalty.

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That was an awful penalty to give.

It’s been rather meh so far as a tournament bit like the last combo of Euros and Copa though thankfully it’s not as bad.

That Copa served up the worst spectacle of football I’ve seen.

On the contrary, loving me some Copa…

The senors know how it works at the OK Corral.
No quarters asked, none given.
And nobody brings a knife…
If it ain’t the Uzi, its an AK !

And the refs?
No fouls, Just play on???

Si se fvcking puede :joy:

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Weah lamps a bloke and gets sent off and then USA score a stunner.

One all decent equaliser by Panama

Nunez is still not that clinical…

and he scores with his left!

The US is going out now it seems. Greg for the chop

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As a Canadian, I was quite happy to get Jesse Marsh. Some Canadians weren’t because, you know, America. I think he’s miles better than Greg.


Just another thing USA Soccer has bottled. Should have brought Marsch in instead of giving Berhalter another go.

Half empty stadiums in the Copa America, with zero atmosphere is a good look too.

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Laying natural grass over artificial turf a couple of weeks out is not working well at all apparently, who could have guessed.

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Still a chance but would be embarrassing for a nation that takes so much pride in their soccer to crash out so early in a tournament they host.

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Do they take pride in it? I thought they were more interested in Nascar (whatever that is).


Cornhole is gathering momentum too

[quote=“Bekloppt, post:32, topic:4294, full:true”]
Do they take pride in it? [/quote]

They are the only ones to call it soccer. So have to be proud of it.

Serious question
Do they call it Soccer or Football in Canada?

That’s just your “korma” talking


Soccer is more common, because we also have our own code of gridiron football. But they are somewhat interchangeable due to the fact that a huge percentage of our population is 1st generation immigrant from countries where ‘football’ is used.

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Football is gridiron football.

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Americans play a ‘sport’ that involves a lot of heavily protected men pushing each other around in between advertising breaks. This involves throwing, catching and carrying the ball with the hands. The ball is hardly ever kicked, and if so, they have to import Scottish rugby players to do it for them. This activity is so boring that it is used as a background wallpaper for barbecue parties and is only notable for the advertisements and cheerleaders.

Real Football is a fast paced exciting game in which the ball is kicked with the feet and which is played by the rest of the world.

Nobody knows what a ‘gridiron’ is.

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You’ve not been watching the England games, then?


I am not a masochist.


Camera angle is horrible for this USA v Uruguay match.