The Copa America thread

Sorry Mac you’ve had your international glory so it’s team Lucho all the way tonight, make that hard work pay off and go get that winner!

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Good to see the organizers have taken a few lessons about security away from that unfortunate incident…wait…^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1812610621252194772|twgr^047a38341d17519163a228f2b6534dffa85f8b21|twcon^s1_&

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what a mess this tournement has been oranisationally

can i ask, considering one of the things America traditionally does well, is run sports events…is it a budgetatory thing whereby they have cut corners to remain profitable…i mean, Columbia vs Argentina is hardly the dream final…Brazil going out early, USMNT being quite poor…

Not a good look for America’s ability to organize sporting events with this passion and magnitude.

It’s a strange one, as I remember the 1984 Olympics, the 1994 World Cup and the Olympics again in 1996 (how did that happen twice so close together?)

Obviously America organizes its own huge sporting events very well, but it seems something has gone awry with this one - pitches, training facilities and security have all been sub par.

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A number of countries did that to be fair.

Greece had the Euros and Olympics, Brazil and also Russia.

Of course two of them nearly bankrupted themselves mind.

kick off delayed…

assuming its from that mess above?

The country has been on a steady downward trajectory since then.


Shakira’s opening act finally about to start. :clap:

Edit: Or not…

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delay going on a very long time…hope everything is OK…thoughts of Madrid/LFC in Paris…or worse…hope not

Everyone wanted to see Shakira.

Might as well put her on now.

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all jokes aside, you normally get some kind of explanation…stadium seems full, players seem ready…

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Don’t organisational faults lie with CONMEBOL? Just like UEFA with Paris.

I read that CONMEBOL asked for additional security, concentric rings beyond the stadium, so you only pass through with a ticket, so by the time you get to the stadium it is all legit fans with tickets.

They were refused. Not sure how true that is, but I saw a clip with MacAllister’s mum too - she was in the crowd outside and said conditions were inhumane.

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Lucho is a good player, but to be great, he really needs to learn when to release the ball. You do not have to try to dribble all the time. Watching him at this game is jus so frustrating. he runs into so many blind alleys and holds onto the ball for too long

That’s his thing. He does that even for Liverpool.

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i just looked for a stream, now …well… i see dogs

oh they switched the channel, i´ve got it now


Was crufts on?


yep, something like that, at first i thought that´s a weird half time show


Jesus, now Messi in tears

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He didn’t catch the Shakira act?

Seriously, it probably evokes memories of all the times that he was the target of Argentina fan criticism, because he could not quite deliver the win. The fact that at this point in his career he might still feel that way explains a great deal of how he became what he was to the game.