Your “facts” are from February, which is positively up to date for you but still not an accurate representation of the current situation.
As of yesterday Spain has 23,787,785 vaccinations, over half the population. Of those 22,313,085 have had two doses.
152.080 jabs for yesterday only a 115 under the record.
Isn’t it 23m total doses and 7m+ fully vaccinated? I know EU has been ramping up but I would be shocked if there was that many fully vaccinated!
Saying “you couldn’t make it up” is probably the most common event in the UK in the past 14 months.
Why is it that the government (all governments) do such seemingly phenomenally stupid things? Normally ££££ but I don’t think that’s the case in this instance.
What amuses me is how often people will post in this thread stuff and say “you couldn’t make it up” and that thing posted will have been made up.
That’s why I avoid twitter except for space news
Didn’t you promise to keep your profile pic only till the United game
Yeah but somewhere there’s a United fan who’s pissed off by it
Might be. The UK has recently been negotiating a trade deal with India. It has been suggested that the Government was worried that stopping the flights would impact negatively on the talks.
151.860 for us yesterday.
146.193 jabs yesterday.