The Corona Pandemic

Here in the states it appears the jab rate is going down in many places. The County in Pennsylvania I live in has 46% fully vaccinated. That’s not good in my book. This Delta variant and the variant it is spawning is getting problematic.

So many people are just acting like everything is back to normal. Jesus, wearing a mask, social distancing, and hand washing weren’t and aren’t that bad. Even though we’re fully vaccinated we’re still following stricter mitigation guidelines as I don’t trust this virus, nor do I trust someone who says their vaccinated and might not be. If they have a vaccination card maybe I’ll trust that. I have a funny feeling we’re going to get hammered with another Covid wave again come Fall or maybe sooner.

:angry::angry: Who the fuck is he even talking about? The only country outside the British isles with a higher case rate is Cyprus! No Boris, whether it’s Alpha or Delta, all I see is the UK flying ahead of every other similar sized country in Europe. Try to paint the picture you want but those who’ll bother to fact check will never believe you.

Conservative are the masters of obfuscation but not much else.


Well,cases in Spain and Portugal are rising rapidly.

Jnr’s school have just said fuck it and shut till September.

They can just decide that on their own?

I’ll bet they didn’t say “Fuck It”. Aren’t the schools due to finish at the end of this week anyway?

I think so. My kids’ school broke up last week and we’re currently enjoying the delights of Weymouth :+1:

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Our stats locally have taken a turn for the worse. 50% increases in cases week on week for the past 2 weeks with cases now back around where we were when we first shut down last March. Locally in Orange county our mayor set a 5% case positivity rate as the threshold for relaxing restrictions and we’re now back up to 8%.

This is trending nationwide and so the CDC yesterday announced that even vaxed people should go back to wearing masks indoors. The risk of a vaxed person getting another vaxed person sick is tiny, so yet again we’re going backwards to accommodate the near 50% of the adult population who just wont get it.


Are you kidding me, 50% of the US population refuses to get a jab? Unbelievable. The numbers are going up here in The Netherlands but it is due to the fact that young people did not have their vaccinations jet. Think that 87% of the Dutch population are willing to get a jab.

BTW, once they see that you can not get into things without being able to show that you have got your 2 jabs they will get one, that helps to get people over the vaccination line. :crazy_face:

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There are always logistical problems in the US with getting access to the poorest people and so there is a significant portion of the population who technically have access to it, would take it, but logistically cannot access it. The real issue though are MAGA Covidiots who in the states with the strongest Trump support are pushing uptake rates down into the 30s due to conscious rejection of it.

It’s just another example of the incoherence of the proTrump message. Biden deserves no credit for delivering the vaccine because it was all Trump, the guy we support and still believe is the rightfully elected president, but we wont get it because “big government control”.

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If anyone else has watched King of the Hill I would of loved to see Dale Gribbles response to the vaccination efforts

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I considered editing this piece to make it less prejudicial. You don’t talk anyone off a ledge with that sort of language, so maybe it does not good to phrase the situation that way. But yesterday the state of Tennessee, where only 40% of the population is fully vaccinated, fired its top state vaccine official for circulating a memo to health care providers reminding them that in the state they do not need parental approval to vaccinate minors 14 years and above. This is legally unambiguous and had been approved by the legal counsel of the Dept of Health, but state lawmakers threw a shit fit at her undermining parental rights and have now succeeded in getting the DoH to remove her from her position.

every Walmart in America is giving out free doses to anyone who will take a needle in the arm. don’t even have to be an American to get one, one of my school friends works in mining and two months ago was in Arizona doing some maintenance work. Got both of his shots in the US at no cost, weeks ahead of schedule up here for our age group.

At a Walmart.


Be curious to see if the north hemisphere can get our vax numbers up before it turns to winter, and the cases ramp up again with folks being indoors due to winter.


Mexico trip is scheduled for Nov. Wife and I are both X2 shots (AZ/Phiz and AZ/Mod) and the 6yo is definitely not getting one done.

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Interesting move by Macron to get people vaccinated. Is he getting a lot of shit for this @Flobs ?

It is a great example of how certain aspects of our roll out has worked really well. For people who want the vaccine and have the means to go to where they are offered its been great. Probably world leading. I mean shit, I am low risk and was able to get my dose as early as March, now nearly 4 months ago. But practical access is not just about cost and theoretical availability of a shot. Walmarts are not in the neighborhoods where practical access is limited, which is why the Biden Admin has been doing a lot of community pop up sites and even door to door service, to take the shots to where people are and can access them.

This is not the primary factor in why we’ve hit a wall, but this sort of disparity in practical access is always a factor in the US and is something that is often underappreciated by people outside the US, and even by most people here.

Not enough staff and large numbers of positive tests.

I get it, but that widespread access to a big brand name which is in nearly every town in the country is a good start. I got my first shot at a big-name pharmacy in May, and my second at hockey rink in June.

I’m sure that Walmart isn’t the only chain, but the lack of consistent education levels in the poorer areas of the USA hasn’t helped people understand that Covid-19 isn’t a social media scare. But this is the power of the so-called “media”, the mentality of “if you cannot dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit”.

I don’t watch TV anymore. I pity anyone who gets their news from Fox.

First reactions are positive almost 1 million on one site (there are 2) have taken a 1st jab RDV.
Sure he’ll get some negative reaction from some nurses and health professionals. Above all the aides in old peaoples homes (they are particularly under paid and over worked) so anything is worth a moan.

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“…When the simple addition of asymptomatic or symptomatic can make all the difference. As they stand, blanket breakthroughs sound far scarier than they should.”