The Corona Pandemic

I have read some comments on here using the term “long covid”. After reading the article, I finally understand what the term means, and the implications to those recovering from Covid-19 but with continuous lingering symptoms.

"…experts and officials should stop referring to all nonhospitalized cases as “mild.” They should agree on a definition of recovery that goes beyond being discharged from the hospital or testing negative for the virus, and accounts for a patient’s quality of life. “We cannot fight what we do not measure,” Alwan says. “Death is not the only thing that counts. We must also count lives changed.”

Only then will we truly know the full stakes of the pandemic. As many people still fantasize about returning to their previous lives, some are already staring at a future where that is no longer possible."


This is exactly the point I made here

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The last paragraph of the article:

…For now, the focus should stay on using immunizations to control COVID-19, especially while so much of the world remains unvaccinated; understanding whether we’re accomplishing that goal, then, hinges on symptomatic breakthroughs. Eventually, we’ll have the bandwidth to turn our attention to halting transmission and infection more comprehensively. Then, we’ll pull asymptomatic breakthroughs back into the conversation, with more data to guide our next move.



Huh, and people believe dragons are myths. :man_shrugging::man_facepalming:

I don’t think the 50 who died yesterday in the UK were asymptomatic. :thinking:

This is what I referenced above. It was a memo describing something that was unequivocally legal, and was approved by the health department’s legal counsel and allegedly the governor. State reps lost their shit and everyone who should have stood up and told them to shut up buckled and sacrificed one person at the alter of stupidity based outrage. And now they have lurched to an even worse public health place than they were before they started.

Who are you referencing there @Flobs ?

Ive now read a couple of different reports of an “outbreak” of covid among vaccinated hospital workers in Vegas. Among those with this “breakthrough” infection, none suffered more than allergy like symptoms and were back at work shortly after their positive test. In other words, the vaccine did exactly what its supposed to do but it’s being presented as a “Delta is scary” story.

Yes, Delta is scary, but this sort of fear mongering is not helping. Get your fucking vaccine.


No, they weren’t. Well done.

We’ve definitely bottomed out and cases are rising again. We only have 59/43% vaccinated.

We are a week away from reaching record daily cases, probably 8 weeks away from breaking the January record of bed occupancy, but the problem, the big problem, is that the NHS Test & Trace app is too sensitive.

Uk currently has more cases per 100k than the US.

I dont expect it to stay that way given the current trajectory of the US but we’re still ok to fully open next week by all accounts.


Still ok to open up I guess. As we’re now an independent nation again and have Fweedom we can do what we like again.

No chance whatsoever that we see bed occupancy of over 39,000 in 8 weeks or at all unless a hugely more dangerous variant emerges.

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The initial estimates for the required vaccination rate to reach herd immunity were 80-90%. The UK is in the low 50s in terms of full vaccination, with partially vaccinated people at much greater risk of infection. Furthermore, a large proportion of your population have been vaccinated by a vaccine that is far less effective in general after one dose and moderately less effective than the mRNA vaccines at preventing transmission of the Delta variant even among the fully vaccinated.

Basically, in the environment in which there is relatively free movement and restrictions are laxed, there is still a large vulnerable population that can be exposed.


I agree but there’s no chance we’re going to see anywhere near the number of people in hospital as at 18 January this year. That’s not to say that the numbers of people in hospital won’t go up, they’re bound to, but I’d be amazed if they reached even half the levels of January even if daily cases rise towards record levels (81500 per day as at 28 December 2020, I think) or even up to 100,000.

As at 28 December we’d done about 1 million jabs. Now it’s over 81 million.

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“A new UK study has found that around 1 in 20 of children hospitalised with COVID-19 develop brain or nerve complications linked to the viral infection.”

"Eight (15%) children presenting with neurological features did not have COVID-19 symptoms although the virus was detected by PCR, underscoring the importance of screening children with acute neurological disorders for the virus.

Ethnicity was found to be a risk factor, over two thirds of children being of Black or Asian background."

Very much like what Dr. Maria Sundaram mentioned, I was one of the fellow Cauncks with vaccine envy to our brethren in US and UK/EU.

I wonder when the clear and proven relationship between loss of biodiversity and emergence of new viruses will finally hit through with those idiots we call our politicians. They really need to wake up and realise that we are at the eleventh hour.

Vaccination of people might be ok in order to restrain Covid-19, but it’s only a matter of (shorter and shorter) time before something new emerges. Every year passed by without protecting biodiversity is a recipe for disaster.