The Corona Pandemic

kicking off over here as some bint called Katie Hopkins has made a cunt of herself and had her VISA revoked.

she was allowed in the country on the grounds of economic gain for the community.


and theres restrictions on returning passport holders yet they let this cunt in the country.


Well, there is this history of us exporting our criminals to your shores.


LOL, the bigger criminals were the ones in Uniform…

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Now the tables have turned eh?

Who was it that remarked (tongue in cheek), upon being asked by Australian immigration whether he had a criminal record, “I wasn’t aware it was still a requirement?”.

Katie Hopkins is a self-publicising cunt. Best ignored.


i think its one of those urban myths.


I think it’s one of the classic urban myths. Quite true though that immigration regularly go for the England cricket team with things like “You claim to be coming into the country to play cricket but recent evidence proves that you can’t”

Elton John is banned from Aus though as he has a whole back catalogue of criminal records…

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I have to visit the UK in August to look after my elderly mother. Despite being doubly vaccinated with Pfizer I will still have to test and quarantine at great expense because the UK government won’t recognise the German vaccine pass.
I really don’t want to visit the UK at this time, but have no choice at all.
There must be thousands of people in the same situation.


Yeah fuck coming here mate, but when it comes to family you gotta do what you gotta do.

I’m firmly staying indoors and away from big gatherings as can only see the numbers spiking now that we’ve hit freedom day.

Javid getting covid after 2 jabs, just goes to show that there’s a long way to go yet

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Unless Germany goes into Red you can quarantine at your mother’s can’t you? I know its not ideal but at least its not being stuck in expensive hotel quarantine. The Amber test kit (PDPCR, day 2 and day 8) for my wife was £144, but it looks like this has reduced to £129 now. Certainly not cheap and you’d hate to be paying for that multiple times but we thought it was worth it this time. I get where you’re coming from given that the risk is far greater from you introducing the virus picked up in the UK on your return to Germany than the other way, but these are the fucked up rules of a government spiralling out of control (yet again).

Mask wearing was already very relaxed when I went out yesterday. Certainly wasn’t comfortable wearing one in yesterday’s heat indoors but I’ll still continue to do it as I feel its the right thing to do. God knows what will happen from today with the new rules.

Had my second Pfizer on Friday and anything that further protects me against the virus I am thankful for. Much less demand at the vaccination centre this time around. Walked straight in for my shot whereas last time (8 weeks ago??) I was in an hour long queue. So far not a single side-effect unlike the first shot. Not even fatigue.

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I heard of a way round this on the radio the other day. Something along the lines of going to the chemist in Germany and they will give you a different certificate that is ok for UK use.

I could be miles off here as it’s one of those things that you file away if it isn’t relative to you but might be worth looking into.

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Yes, that’s the EU Digital Covid Certificate. As far as I know, the UK doesn’t recognise it.

@Bekloppt I paid £79 recently for day 2 & 8 so prices falling rapidly I think. Site is undergoing maintenance

I went to the local Tesco earlier and apart from a few 20 somethings everyone seemed to be wearing masks.


Are we an outlier among non-EEA countries in that regard or are quite a few countries not recognising it at this stage?


No, but that wasn’t what I was replying to. It’s not a way round craigjohnston’s problem.


Thanks everyone. Bloody great community on here, much appreciated!


I was in one of the big Tesco stores in Peterborough on the weekend and every single person was wearing a mask. But more locally the experience hasn’t been the same.

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I think EU and UK are in talks. Might be worth checking for updates. I’d get the Digital Certificate in case you haven’t got it yet.

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