The Corona Pandemic

I’ve got the ‘Impfpass’ on my phone. Is that what you mean?


I felt fine directly after my second Pfizer jab, but a couple of days later I noticed fatigue, shortness of breath and dizzyness which is taking a while to go away. Not really serious, but not great either.

In Tesco at lunchtime. Only people not wearing masks were a man and a woman, both over 60.

Yeah, that should be the one.
Should say something like “Digitale Impfzertifikate der EU” (Covpass-App) or “Digitales Covid-Zertifikat der EU” (Corona Warn-App) along with the QR-Codes.
At least that’s what it says on my phone… :woozy_face:

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Good decision. We’ve so far vaccinated 88% of those eligible, which pretty much means everyone eligible who wants to be vaccinated has been given at least one dose. 68.5% of those eligible have been double jabbed.

I’m not sure what % of the UK’s population are adults but we’re never going to go above vaccinating 70% of the total population if we don’t at least start vaccinating some under 18s.

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Currently running rife round Warrington. Schools shut, friends have it, family have it, has gone absolutely ballistic. No question it’s get it done and over time.

We have reversed to semi lock down measures again. From almost 0 local infections, we suddenly have surged to almost 200 per day in the last week due to illegal Karaoke lounges who applied to pivot as F&B but actually providing hostesses for you know what services. This means many patrons who were in close contact of infected people are not willing to get tested and many of them would have switched off their bluetooth app tracking that was designed by the government. This cluster has now spread to our markets and fish markets which many seniors would visit. And unfortunately, our senior citizens are low in vaccinated numbers less than 70%, even if our fully vaccinated numbers are almost 50% of total population. Its a concern because this segment of population gets more sick easier and if they get infected, they would bring it back to home with grandchildren, which the younger population seem to get infected with the Delta Variant must easier. So back to semi lock down again. The long term target is still to live with the virus as endemic, but until we can get the vaccination numbers up especially the senior citizens which is the segment that seem to have alot of vaccine hesitancy, it will be a process of this close, open, close open, and managing it until its really safe to fully open it up.

Report out yesterday that in Florida less than 50% of nursing home workers are vaccinated!

According to the most recent government figures, 21% of the overall population of England and Wales was aged under 18 years.

Scotland records its numbers somewhat differently (different age groups) but with an estimated 22.39% of the population being under 20, it is a reasonable assumption that its proportion of under 18s is in line with overall the figure for England and Wales

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So we’d need to vaccinate >89% of all adults to get to 70% of the entire UK population?

Not sure that’s possible even with a relatively low % of vaccine hesitancy.

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Yes, about 89% of the adult population equates to 70% of the whole population. As of 17th July, 87.9% of the adult population had received their first jab (68.3% second jab), but the daily numbers do appear to be in decline (higher vaccine hesitancy in the younger groups?), so you may well be correct.

Consequently, without vaccinating under 18s, herd immunity might prove unachievable.


Hence opening up clubs etc. Essentially pox/measles parties for (mostly) young adults. Might sound cynical, but that’s pretty obviously what this is, isn’t it?

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I hope that the “pox” to which you refer is of the “chicken” variety. :thinking:

Yes, I was saying that was my view to my wife. I think the opening up and the deliberate passing of the buck to employers, premises owners etc feels designed to let the population moderate itself.

I feel that the government is counting on self-moderation keeping the numbers down for the most vulnerable with those more likely to abandon ppe and social distancing being a) less vulnerable and/or b) covid deniers and/or c) anti-vax.

Thus it will potentially help more of the population develop anti-bodies that the vaccination campaign alone might otherwise not reach.

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They don’t vote, and if they do they are less likely to vote Tory. That’s a really important part of the equation.

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Wait. Are you implying that the government think it might aid their arithmetic in the commons for more young people to die?

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Id say there’s a strong correlation between people that are less likely to be vaccinated and those that vote tory at least in the area I’m in

Why is the magic number 70% in terms of the percentage of the population we need to have been jabbed?

It’s really the minimum for Herd Immunity I think, if you also add the numbers of those not jabbed but already have antibodies.

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I wonder how much that figure changes with the evidence now showing that the jabs are not able to fully prevent a vaccinated person from passing it on. I can only assume the % needed is actually higher.

I guess, as suggested above, letting it rip through the population will bring the overall percentage (vaccinated and those with anti bodies) high enough to achieve it.

I assume with every new variant, the magic number changes too.