The Corona Pandemic

This story is just heartbreaking.

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It’s people like this who will ensure the virus remains with us indefinitely.

Heartbreaking? I find it hilarious.

There’s a difference between “having an opinion” and “ignoring all the evidence” and these people did the latter.


At the same time it’s sad and depressing. As Mascott pointed out. It goes against all common sense and is a horrific reflection of our times. (Not as bad as the climate issue yet a good indication that the world is completely bonkers).


I can see that point of view and sadly it probably takes stories like these to turn the tide but when the doctor describes the terror of when they realise the reality of their situation and they’ve been mislead. So I don’t find it hilarious it’s tragic really.

And those that spread the misinformation? Nothing.

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‘We’ feed off tragedy. There are no more heroes even a little Swedish? girl who speaks up for the climate gets run into the muck and there’s a horde out there to gobble it up.
Yes I have laughed at the loons in the past but it is soo tragic now that I am often brought to tears. Btw I went from angry and militant to fuck the fuckwits and laugh and now am hitting desperate depression. How the fuck did people like Trump and Johnson get where they did? (making such as Thatcher, Reagan, Bush … look like a joke in incompetent nastyness).

I don’t know.

I look at Trump. He went from denial to catching it, shitting himself in a helicopter, to being pretty ill, and then back to throwing everyone under the bus.

That’s both thick and nasty. Johnson the same. His visit to ICU long forgotten.

The daft thing is. Truth doesn’t work. They won’t listen.

And why does any bonkers ill-informed shit get an audience?

Which ever way I look at the issue every time I come back to social media. I do t think we can survive it. We have to kill it or it’s going to destroy us.

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My Dad has no access to social media, he reads the Torygraph and watches the news on tv. To counter that he has 2 sons and a daughter who are all pretty conscientious. Yet he comes out with some real shit.
Sure social media is part of it however there have been batshit times in the past where people were led by lunatics (1st world war as an example). Social media just makes it travel quicker imo which magnifies it yes.
Let’s face it there was scientific concensus on the climate back in the '80s and it was ignored even poohooed by idiots and look where we are now.
The problem I see is ‘we’ need an enemy and in times of ‘relative’ peace the enemy becomes ‘good’ causes that challenge lifestyle. It’s like the tax issue even poor people who don’t gain anything vote for lower taxes/austerity and have done since well before social media.


It’s the doubling down I struggle with. There’s no discussion.
Like others I’ve gone from finding it entertaining to listen to their fumblings through to anger, to almost despair now.

Every conversation I’ve had, seen or read goes the same way. When challenged to provide evidence, the first thing is a daft article by some right wing think tank or a social media post. I’ve seen some efforts at making 1 + 1 = 3. That Portuguese court ruling on PCR testing effectiveness is a favourite. But the rage and insults then follow. Conversation over.

It’s as if people need it to land at their feet for them to be open to reality.

I realise you said your friend’s kids aren’t necessarily infected but needed to isolate due to transmissions in the class, but in general if you are isolating with your infected kids for 10 days you are almost guaranteed to get infected yourself aren’t you, regardless of vaccination? Being around the virus that long and it will surely find a way through.

Here in the UK there were an obscene number of transmissions in schools and it’s easy to see how there would be so many double vaxxed cases.

Uh oh

I’m starting to see something of a little concern in the UK figures. It’s still really early, but the dip in figures (cases) may have stopped while the deaths are still increasing. The vaccine uptake rate has also dipped.

Immediate thoughts are that perhaps the reduced testing i.e no longer testing in schools for example, was not collecting the same case figures that we were previously. The dip coincided with schools closing for the Summer.

I get the case numbers etc. from here. I like the pictures

There are no cases confirmed yet. It is isolating in response to the kid being exposed to a case (and then in turn them being exposed) until they can get a test and the results back.

But yeah, school is going to be a nightmare. Over here, we’re getting ready to go back in a week or so already and at this level of cases here in florida its going to rip through the schools and then cause mayhem among the parents.

Vaccine registration portal opens for 12-15 yr olds in Ireland on Thursday.I have 2 teens to register and am wondering at this point if anyone would be hesitant in getting their children vaccinated?

Hesitant but ultimately I would.


We had vaccinated children from 12-15 since May with Pfizer, responses have been good and so far we had no serious events from the vaccinations so far for this age group. There was a 16 year old who collapsed and was in intensive care for weeks due to heart issues after vaccination. But he was also lifting heavy weights just hours after his vaccination and that was not advised.


Hoping to vaccinate my 6 year old and 4 year old twins once the clinical trials on 3 and 10 mcg doses lead to FDA and then TGA approval. This probably wont be until end of the year in Australia.


If we can get the kids vaccinated, that lifts a big chunk of covid anxiety still weighing the family down.


Doesn’t reduce their risk of contracting and spreading it though (much). My parents have only just allowed us in the house. Mum particularly struggles with her terror of the chance of either of them getting it and they’re both fully vaxed.

Tomorrow, Singapore will in a small way but surely the start of the differentiated treatment of public health policies towards the vaccinated and unvaccinated. The unvaccinated has of course alot of them made their choices voluntarily, but of course there is a need to of course consider the needs of those who are not able to be vaccinated for medical reasons. We do have to be clear how we are going to further differentiate between those who choose not to vaccinate or those who are unable to be vacccinated or do we even in the short term differentiate them at all if the purpose is to protect them. Its not going to be easy even in a small country like ours so I can imagine how difficult it is if this impacts millions of the unvaccinated in bigger countries.