The Corona Pandemic

Strange business here with covid. Wife’s mother and stepdad both refused to be vaccinated. They are quite strongly anti-vax people, and instead are into holistic health and the body helping itself to heal, etc. All sounds lovely to me, for something like a common cold, but not covid.

Wife and her siblings tried as they might to persuade them to get vaccinated, but to no avail.

Needless to say they both went down with covid. My wife went over there this morning (they live about an hour away) as her mother, fit and early 60s, didn’t even have the energy to get to the bathroom and back without collapsing. Both have been in bed with high fever and other symptoms. She took a thermometer, oxygen reader, and various electrolyte drinks and other easy foods as they had barely eaten in days.

After a few hrs there they both seemed to have perked up a bit, but did not want to go to the hospital. My wife is playing the role of Florence Nightingale and is a trooper for it, but the situation is ridiculous.

I’m trying to not say the obvious (it’s their own fault) and instead be supportive to my wife in all this, as she is the oldest of her siblings and bearing the brunt of looking after them.

The whole situation is so unnecessary.


I believe it. I had it in Mar>April 2019 and haven’t felt right since.


Hoping they will be ok. I wonder what their views on the vaccine are now?

I ask because I neighbor has been through a similar experience. “i’m healthy” etc. She is front of the queue for the vaccine now.



So it’s your fault?! :rofl:

Fuck. clearly it was 2020 and still showing HAHAHAHA sorry.


pretty sure I could have been “Patient 0” in Seattle. I was sick as a dog there when we were there over Valentine’s Day weekend.

Wishing you a full recovery!

it’s a slow process. part of the problem was a lack of organized sports for over a year. lungs took a beating from it, I’m not much of a “runner” so I rely on my sports to get my cardio. just getting back into footy again, 3rd game this weekend. we were only able to get 5 games in last year before our season was cancelled.

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My year has been shit in a variety of ways, and anecdotes are not a rigorous way to inform yourself, but my ability to do mental arithmetic and my short term memory have completely disappeared since I got Covid last April.

You know how good dart players can give you the out from any number below 180? That’s how weight lifters are with barbells. You just look at how it’s loaded and immediately know the weight. The past 12 months that’s just gone. It’s really difficult to explain, especially to people who are not good at that sort of thing in the first place. But I always was, and now I’m an imbecile who has misloaded the barbell more times in the past 12 months than I have in the previous 20 years.


I know exactly what you’re talking about. but it took away my ability to catch my breath quickly, and my memory. I’d probably be mis-diagnosed with Alzheimer’s at this point. I’ve had to re-structure certain things in my life in order to not lose things easily.

Right now, I’m not wearing my wedding band and not sure when I put it. but it cannot “fall off”.

It will be interesting to see if they change their view… they should. They aren’t out of the woods yet and it hasn’t been broached yet, but hopefully they come round.


Specifically on the Premier League, I read reports that only 35% of all players in the PL are vaccinated, although some claim it to be higher. Some clubs like Wolves have said 100% of their players are vaccinated while unnamed some struggled to reach even 50%. While I do not want to go into the topic whether PL players should be mandated to vaccinate before being allowed to play, why are not clubs mandated to disclose what are the vaccination percentages by club? Its quite alarming that the percentages of vaccinations of PL players is falling so much behind the average of the eligible population in the UK. Surely vaccination will go a long way in time to come regarding players leaving the country for internationals and coming back without quarantine etc, and with the PL players being seen as an example, if less than 50% of them are vaccinated, I don’t know what kind of message they are sending out when the population is being told to vaccinate for them to return to work etc but yet here you have millionaire players continuing as if nothing had happened.


Has anyone heard about a link between the Coronavirus vaccine and shingles?

My wife developed shingles after her first jab - it was soon fixed up by the Doc but caused her a lot of pain for a week or two.

Shingles cases seem to be on the rise worldwide - from the very brief research I have done.

Obviously it is a big step to suggest causation and correlation at this point - there seems to be little definitive research so far. Was just wondering if anyone had any experience / knowledge about this?

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Had your Wife previously had shingles? I heard on the radio the other day that some people are having reoccurrence of previous illnesses post covid. :nerd_face:

No - this is the first time she had it.

Bizarrely about 5 minutes after posting the above a female friend called and said that she now has shingles. The two occurrences would be at least 8 weeks apart.

Very strange

@BigJon many herpes viruses after a 1st infection remain ‘dormant’ (latent) cold sores are an example which when conditions are met manifest as ‘sores’ around mouth or eyes (generally). Varicella is known to lie dormant and manifests as shingles later in life when ‘conditions’ are met. I hazard that this is what is happening, the covid ‘jab’ is creating conditions that favorize this manifestation.

On another note after both my jabs pfizer I had ‘weeping’ from the jab site for ages (over 3 weeks). Very small quantity however it seemed strange to me as no other vaccination has caused this ‘reaction’ with me. After the 1st jab I pointed this out and the medical staff were unconcerned (it wasn’t a great problem medically however it did intrigue me as it indicates something in the jab was causing a prolonged reaction) Btw I’m fine now I think.


Just out of interest: do you see massive regional differences in your respective country when it comes to vaccine hesitancy? I know it’s certainly the case here and definitely in the US.

Not here in France, differences can easily be explained by logistical functions and competency (here in PACA it’s lowest (70.70% fully vaccinated) after Ile de France. Logistically explained differences between departments, towns and rural areas as well.
What is noticable is Dom Tom where for example Guyane has only 23% fully vaccinated (Reunion is at 52%).
So in metropolitan France we are approaching the numbers where vaccination ‘hesitancy’ will play a part. Supply to Dom Tom appears poor!

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