The Corona Pandemic

Only thing missing from that is risk from Delta vaccinated and boosted.

I assume there is still some Delta circulating? Is there?

Not much, though presumably some somewhere. Omicron displaced Delta incredibly quickly compared to how quickly Delta became dominant, which will also affect the degree of displacement. With the antibody response overlapping, Omicron just gets to the vulnerable population before Delta has a chance.

Yeah, only reason I ask is if you look at the case number curve for Wales in particular it rose sharply on Omicrons arrival and has now fallen back to the level of where it was as if there was a base level of infection and a peak caused by something different.

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I’m a pretty imaginative guy. Novax is probably the country’s biggest ever sports star. He almost certainly had very good friends in government because of that. Probably those in the highest office.

It’s not hard for me to imagine he had help from the same people who are now trying to prove everything is above board. It all stinks.


It does.

Mirror is reporting that he may do a u turn on his vaccine stance and presumably his status.

Oh crap, I think I have seen this movie before.

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Is it the same one Hancock watched?


I’ve maxed out my free atlantic articles, but I can guess the premise. What I find so interesting about the situation, although hardly a novel thought, is how much projection there is from the anti-covid people.

  • I wear a mask which they say is virtue signalling…yet their absence of a mask is far more of a symbol for them than mine is for me.
  • They criticise me for wearing a mask which they interpret as evidence of living in fear…yet so much of the anti-mask position is based on how much of an inconvenience it is
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is it orange and have a comb over?


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that movie scared the shit out of me, I was 10 when it came out.

Hard to argue with any of that.

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:cowboy_hat_face: :muscle: :muscle:

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Got my booster shot yesterday. Unlike the earlier two shots when there wasn’t much of a queue, there was a long one. Still, it was pleasantly well organized compared to our standards.

Unlike last two shots, today I woke up with a slight fever and headache and considerable rigidity/pain in the arm I had my shot. Think it might be due the weather and shopping (carrying heavy bags) rather than the shot.

Why are people so eager to get the vaccine when they don’t have the slightest regard to other safety measures (wearing masks, avoiding crowd)?

Anyway, hope you people are doing well. Take care.


me, me, me and a bit more me

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I dont agree with it, but I understand the mentality. It’s the infectious disease equivalent of giving yourself licence to eat a gallon ice cream because you’ve exercised that day…do one good thing so you dont have to continuously be doing the right thing.