The Cricket Thread

Yeah they need at least 200 to make a game of it.

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The pitch seems to have flattened out.

Will try to catch the game today. I expect England to win this one.

Quelle surprise.

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It’s just silly now isn’t it? England need at least 100 more to make a game of it and then they’ll be relying on Root as their most potent bowler.

How you can expect them to win from that position is baffling.

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Emotion Reaction GIF

I actually saw a quite surprising stat earlier about the Indian batsmen’s record in the fourth innings of tests in India. Some low averages, but Rohit at about 40 years old had only played something like 5 innings because that’s how damn good you have been over the years at battering teams in your first innings. So pls, stop talking nonsense, you know your boys are going to cruise it.


England still need at least 70 more to make a game of it with only 3 wickets left.

Again, they have the weakest bowling attack I can ever remember.

Come on England!

Come on West Indies!

Don’t know where to look

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Amazing performance, but not enough with this ‘attack’.

West Indies probably just short too :cry:

Hold the press! Windies made it! Eight run win :+1: :+1: :+1:

India two down. Barry will be pleased :wink:

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Anyone want to change their opinion about my predictions?

Some Dutch bloke won best player of the rest of the country’s. Apparently he plays for Durham in England. There are 6000 active cricketers in the Netherlands on a population of 17.5 million :joy:

I bet not even half of those cricketers know who he is … :see_no_evil:


The only reason my prediction didn’t happen was the unbelievable innings by Pope.
That wasn’t predictable based on the first innings.
If he’d got out for 20 the game would be over by now.
India still massive favourites. They bat deep and England bowl shallow.

Well done to England for making such a game of it though. It’s been an great performance.
Pope outstanding.

I’m sure they do, but what’s your point?
If there are so few cricketers in NL it’s even more remarkable that they achieve anything internationally.
You don’t understand the game, obviously, so you choose to deride it, but why not be happy that your country punches so far above it’s weight?

Well well well…. :grinning:

Isn’t sport great though

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If they pull it off, it will count as unexpected, don’t you think?

Near miraculous tbh!

You have no clue if I understand the game or not.

I have a strong clue which is your negative attitude towards it

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As usual you are clueless …

Yeah, ok, whatever.

I’ve got an exciting cricket match to watch…

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Always rated Tom Hartley.

Best spinning all rounder in England.

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I think India have this now.

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