The European Union

Maybe Hope has evolved?

The Force is strong with this one…

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Another factor may be that European elections generally see lower voter turnout (average turnout of 51% but boosted majorly by Belgium which has compulsory voting and a strong history of turnout Turnout | 2024 European election results | European Parliament), meaning that extreme parties are more likely to be overrepresented. Then you split the votes between dozens of tiny parties and it’s not strange really to see over-performance from groups that are not likely to win national elections.


The fact that all of the right wing protest parties have no coherent agenda, and more importantly no charismatic leader meant they achieved minimal success in Ireland.
They will/could amalgamate under a leader who would turn them into a force.
Conor McGregor was being vaunted at one point, but that seems to have died a death.


I also think that the Irish are less inclined to anti-immigrant policies for two reasons:

a) a lot of their predecessors emigrated to the States

b) having been subjugated by the English for so long, they have innate sympathy for the oppressed.

This is the same thinking as assuming that American Latinos would naturally be against Trump immigrant policies, but it just isn’t true. There is a saying black people in America often use that speaks to the fallacy of those ideas - not all skin folk are kin folk.


What happened? Did it just kind of fall away or was there a moment where people just turned in a different direction?

Not sure tbh.
Just glad!

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He’s clearly driven by love and love only.


It’s the same thing here. The number of Blacks and Asians who support the Conservatives shocks me.

Low turnout is a factor, but the AFD in Germany are heading for 25% in a national election, Le Pen is very likely to be the next French president, Italy is firmly in the hands of the far right and then you have Orban and the like too.
These are truly dark days for Europe.


Why does it shock you?

Add to those

  1. A far-right party is part of the Sweden government
  2. A far-right party is part of the Netherlands government
  3. Far-right parties in Spain and Portugal have triples their votes in just a few years

Low turnout can no longer hide the fact that far-right (fascists) are now very much mainstream.


Because he finds it shocking that Black and Asian voters would vote for an ideology that leads other people of the same race to die in dinghy’s crossing the ocean, tried to force the deportation of Windrush-generation British citizens (because it plays well with white racists) and are currently attempting to ship people off to Rwanda - a country with a human rights record to be thoroughly ashamed of - while they “process” legitimate asylum applications.

In other words, he is shocked that they want to vote for people who actively fucking hate them.


France and Italy have been bat-shit insane governments to be fair but you’re right there is a movement from the far-right probably led by the perennially online meme peddlers who think Ben Shapiro and Jordan Petersen are the height of intellectual debate.

Because the Conservatives are racist cunts.


The results for Germany look like a pre-reunification map:

Greens have still done well in the larger cities, SPD only really surviving in Bremen.


We emigrated everywhere.


Bloody foreigners.

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What he said.