The European Union

Fair enough.

Just a cautionary note about Dublins young right wing activists.
On the night of the riots last November, a well known activist called for assaults on foreigners on Dublins streets. There is also calls for burning buildings which house refugees or migrants, and no difficulty if they are still in the houses.

Small signs of a nastier future ahead.

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Let’s say you generally like Hitler, agree with basically everything ideologically, though you think some stuff could have been executed better - and you know, obviously he didn’t ultimately suceed so he had some flaws, made a few tactical mistakes, maybe some things got a bit unnecessarily ugly. Some people might consider you a Nazi.
Now let’s say you want to get into power in current day Germany. How are you going to do that?
Recite a copy of Mein Kampf or go about it more or less like Björn Höcke?


It’s a shockingly common perspective among these groups that “Hitler, but without the amphetamine abuse” is the way forward, as if the drugs were the problem.


Look at the incidents involving the american and british tourists last year,or the girl who fell under the dart when a youth pretended he was going to hit her,or the woman who was stabbed at the IFSC a couple of years ago,or the garda getting rammed in ballyfermot.What about the gangs of young lads going into the city during covid just to cause mischief.
A few orchestrators might be right wing but the majority of these young right wing activists are neither right wing or activists,they have no political leaning or ideologies,they are little scumbags who have no thought for the outcome of their actions, and are “out for a laugh”.
I have a couple of kids in their late teens,friends who have kids of the same age as well as some in their early 20,s and the amount of people they all knew,both male and female,who went into that riot last November with no thought other than to have “a bit of a laugh” and none of them are remotely far right in their usual activities/actions.


I think even if a modern political party whether far right or not, and even if they do not do the things that Hitler did, it would be strange or suicidal that they would have anything to do with the label nazis and have even any elements or members who associate themselves with Hitler or Nazis.

The orchestrators of the riots were far right activists. Some of whom were candidates in the elections.

The perpetrators of most of the violence were scobies with little political beliefs. Enough to hate migrants. Because they are too fucking thick to bypass the message from their masters.

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Those are though the exact type of groups that extremists target, politically apathetic or disengaged, they are prime to be taken in to more extreme politics without them even noticing. The likes of Tommy Robinson have done it by appearing as “normal”, attracting a large fanbase behind his common-sense, working class man persona then moving all those followers into marching behind him at far-right rallies.


Same here in Germany. Some people talk about all this as if this was a more theoretical question and not about how the outright Nazi, skinhead groups and parties of the 90s, who all failed to gain real traction, did some strategising on how to attract more people and ultimately voters. Get some clean faces upfront, no skinheads or Hitler-moustaches. Look for hot topics that might attract people. Hey, you don’t like pedophiles do you? What are the politicians doing about it and why are the sentences so weak? Don’t you want the Deutsche Mark back, like in the good old days and what are these Greeks doing with our hard earned money? Can’t get a girlfriend? Just be a real strong German alpha male patriot, that’s what the girls like, not those woke pussy-boys.

They do their seminars and conferences about how to get young people on social media and they have a lot of time and focus for that kind of stuff, because they have very little actual hard politcis to worry about. They don’t sweat over health care reforms or taxation or the environment. Housing crisis? ‘Remigrate’/deport the foreigners, there will be lots of houses empty. It’s all so simple.


I get what you are saying. Twenty years ago, these parties didn’t even exist. Even 10 years ago, nobody could imagine how widespread such racism would become. Can you imagine how vile these parties would become in another 10 years. What’s more, they are becoming emboldened by courting of moderate parties.


That’s the worrying bit. Particularly in countries with PR systems it is easy enough to have a grand coalition and ignore them. If they are seem as petulant, impotent cretins they will loose their appeal.


Its a bit under the radar, but the change in Fine Gaels immigration stance prior to the election is significant.
Tough talk regarding cutting of benefits. Border checks from NI.

The anti immigration protests around the country, manned by troglodytes and amoeba brained cunts.

But the far right got Harris to talk tough. A little victory for them.

I would like to hope that they implode before then. But I think that will depend if these groups are in it to enrich themselves or is it a real political shift.

I’m drawing that from our own experience in the UK where a shift to the right was primarily driven by opportunists seeking to grow their wealth and creating anger to create support and divert peoples eyes from that. Power grab basically.


In France it’s notable that when ever the Front Natinale have polled well a good number splinter off to form new Fronts.
They tend to act like kings locally. Where I live is an example where the familly has formed a ‘dynasty’ and of course we see this with the Le Pens.
The history stems from colonialism and particularly that of Algeria. The thinking they have was/is well anchored in the system and institutions. The Police Nationale are heavy linked with these sentiments (over 70% are reported to vote FN). We can see that the home secretary (Darmanin) is along these lines (just look at Nouvelle Calédonie (how they got back to such a situation is beyond me (we never learn from history)).
So in France it’s well anchored in system and establishment.
What’s different now is Marine Le Pen she’s intelligent and wants power (which is something many questionned about her father who was more a baton in the spokes). It’s probably her own party that will cause her fall as many what to go a lot further than she’s articulating.

The thing that ‘amuses’ me is how they get courted by by the UK government. Wtf does the UK government think they are doing. Of course Le Pen will accept such courting it puts her on an international standing. The thing for suire she does give an iota for the UK however will use any opportunity to look grand. Once in power she’ll just shit on them from a great height these are not allies.


Landtagswahlen in East German states, particularly Thüringen and Sachsen are coming up in September. That’s going to get very interesting and will put the Conservatives (CDU) to the test. Tbh, I’m skeptical that the ‘Brandmauer’ will survive those two. If not we’ll be looking at AfD Ministerpräsidenten or at least Minister, one of them being Björn Höcke, the Dark Lord of the party. Or maybe Wagenknecht will do the job of getting them into power. Fun times. And you know which was the first state that the NSDAP got into power - Thüringen…


PR mechanisms actually allow them to enter the mainstream more effectively. They get a couple of seats, and then it just becomes a matter of the math playing out for their 2-3 votes to be needed. Here in Canada, Maxime Bernier’s far right populist party (the People’s Party of Canada) surged to nearly 5% of the vote in 2021, but FPTP gives them 0% of the seats.


5% is not 50%, though. FPTP encourages entryism and a fear of loosing small amounts of votes to extremists which lead the actual parties of power to dance to their tune.

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Surging to under 5% wouldn’t get you a seat in Germany either. There is a 5% minimum requirement under the PR system there.


Only to disintegrate after a few months :thinking:


I’m a bit out of touch so apologies in advance. I found this (as to the why the 18-30 are voting in that way) surprising but then, maybe not so much.

I wonder if the root cause is “simply” the lack of opportunity they see in front of them → cannot get a good job so cannot buy a house and so Johnny F is to blame…

The lurch to the right is predictable and is something that just has to be managed - dangerous sentiment I agree. We are all made vulnerable by the pressures applied by the system when it is under stress.

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On that very subject…

Well worth a read.