The European Union

That’s not the point though is it, it’s to do with concentrating the vote so the RN doesn’t get a white wash!


Yes, I agree that by banding together they can improve their presence (and at the same time reduce the influence of RN). While it’s good, isn’t like a bandaid treatment? They can do so much more/better if they can stick together for a longer period.

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I don’t know.

Perhaps however it would be strange this is France!


How was it under Mitterrand, or latter Socialist presidents?

There has only been Mitterand and Hollande.
Mitterand formed the PS he was a man with great charisma and character. A real political stategist who dominated French politics during his presidence. His biggest critic was his wife, a communist.
He suffered cohabitation (with Chirac as PM) so it wasn’t plain sailing for a number of years (these are the years I remember).

I had hopes for Hollande though didn’t feel he was cut out to be president which turned out to be true. He let an outsider, Macron, dominate the debate. As he was such a good technocrat I always felt Segolène Royal would have been a ‘better’ president with Hollande as PM (though that would have been a strange mix as they were husband and wife devorced). Hollande lost his way. I don’t know how Macron even became part of the government let alone so powerful within it as he wasn’t PS or elected, terrible judgement by Hollande imo.

Do remember this coming election isn’t for the Presidency but the legislative (or parlement if that makes it easier to understand). Which means Macron is looking at a cohabitation which quintenat changes in the consititution were supposed to prevent. The new norm is election Presidential followed by legislative.

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It has begun :blush:


It is strange to see Mbappe before and his team mates now calling for (basically) not voting for the far right. Strange in the sense that it feels awkward, i.e. the use of football to influence political outcome and that it has come to this. It has elements of when players took the knee against racism or the rainbow laces but this seems to specifically target influencing voting and so pushes at the supposed boundaries separating sports and politics.

If they are asked they can not say otherwise. They must keep republican values. Yes it’s awkward for them however they are not responsible for when the legislatives were called.
What is frustrating is how it’s written without context of a question however I can assure you a French footballer would not just offer up like that freely (unless they are competely stark raving mad).

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Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Maybe the fact that the party he’s referring to is actively hostile towards people who look like him adds a an element of urgency?

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I agree, they should be free to voice their opinion but apart from the awkwardness of the exchange, it is potentially a dangerous position for them to be put into.

It’s clear the French press shouldn’t do this. It’s frustrating for everyone and sure makes the security of the players precarious.

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Then the problem is not the opinion, it’s the reaction to the opinion.

I think France prides itself as a democracy. In that case nobody should be frightened to express themselves.

The same things were said in the States in the sixties, but a lot of brave people stood tall and fought for their rights. Looks like we have to go through all that again.

More good news


The latest and best opinion polls are IFOP and that’s not what they say.
If anything it’s stagnated and it’s a 3 ‘party’ system. NFP + Renaissance have 50% of the vote. This will be exprimed in the second tour.
I haven’t listened to that video (I’m listening to Durutti Column) however it doesn’t even show a poll and seat predictions are useless due to the vote being split 3 ways and the 2 tour system.

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Is that Macron party/platform?

Would you suggest some newspaper/outlets I can follow online?


Sorry but I don’t keep up to date, Ouest France is the only one I have some confidence in however they quote other sources a lot. How good is your French as it’s in French?
Perhaps @peterroberts could suggest something?

IFOP studies are generally done for Le Figaro (amongst others). Le Monde is still reasonable however both these are behind firewalls.
France 24 was ok but seems to be taking it’s Q’s from the garbage more and more.
There was another one that ‘dissapeared’ which was ‘the best’ apart from waffling and I’m damned if I can remember what is was called (though it doesn’t matter.

News sources are rotten these days!

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It’s subscription based. I do read the (very) occasional free articles.


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Le Monde estimated that 218 candidates – including 130 from the left and 82 from the Macron camp – withdrew from races by the deadline. This left an estimated 91 three-way races and 2 four-way races on Sunday.

Since the Left front got more votes than the Macron Camp, shouldn’t more of their candidates be running in the second-round?

That’s historic turnout??? :laughing:


Highest turnout in years?

People getting off their arses to keep the fascists out?