The Film Thread

Are you sure that you weren’t watching Scooby Doo?

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No idea. All I remember is it turned out Old Man Withers was trying to bring down the US Government by scaring a bunch of kids at his haunted amusement park.

But did you know Cruise broke a nail in that scene where he takes the mask off and carried on filming without a cut out of respect for his craft? He is such a pro.

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In ‘Born on the Fourth of July’ he pushed his own wheelchair!!!

But seriously, on the radio this morning they were interviewing Simon Pegg about the film and most of the questions were about Tom Cruise. Apparently he does his own stunts and his own magic in this one.

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Tom Cruise is a genuine movie star.
Not the greatest actor.
Maybe not the greatest ever person in the world. Maybe his politics are suspect.

But he is a massive star, and there are loads of people ready to have a dig at him. Mostly about stuff none of them will ever be able to do.


Maybe, if he’s a bad actor and cult member, with a nasty personality and dodgy politics who makes his living by being in the public eye, he’s a legitimate target?

I have no idea what this even means?

Just re-watched Face/Off for the first time since it came out. I thought it was terrible then, and it’s even worse now.

Quite possibly the worst film ever made.


You’ve obviously never seen Saw!


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Or possibly any Adam Sandler movie.


I’d also throw in any Seth Rogen movie and with the exception of the John Wicks and original Matrix, any Keanu Reeves movie.

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My vote for worst film… Annihilation (2018)

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Bill and Ted…… THE movie of my childhood. You barbarian you. Most heinous.

It’s brilliant “don’t think about it too much” fun. No more drugs for this man.

Recently watched Con Air with Jnr, Cage at his best :slight_smile: