The Film Thread

Yeah, it’s understable, and it’s not like France has a functioning film industry with qualified crew, actors, screenwriters to get involved in. They’re also a bit too…French…

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Exactly, I’m fairly certain the last film made in France was some 1950s film noir detective drama.

Malta is probably cheap to film there, and I know Liverpool has put tax breaks on filming in the city too (which is why Spiderman shot there) but I do agree that they should have French actors in at least some of the main roles. Hollywood consistently underestimates the public’s ability to appreciate a film unless it has a global mega star in the lead role.

There was another film recently, The King I think, that had an English actor playing the French king and a native French speaker playing the English king :joy:

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Yeah. I understand how all that works. I’m more interested in the discussion/reception side of it. It seems the ‘omg, historical accuracy!!!’ crowd is somewhat selective in their outrage and representation is a somewhat flexible concept as well. :wink:

Definitely not as good as the original but I enjoyed it.

Regarding the representation piece specifically, the most common version of the argument focuses on stories that involve under represented people. There are extreme versions of every argument so some people will push this argument for “representation” well past that, but the most common version is about giving people a voice to tell their own stories when they don’t typically have one. Even if you only consider that more moderate take on the argument where the line is exactly is really unclear so there is always room for questioning why the rule applies to x but not y, and certainly a ton of room for hypocrisy and selective outrage, but I cannot imagine too many people would consider the french without a voice to tell their history.

I was half-joking, but I knew someone would lecture me. But if you want my honest opinion: this is all just a US/Hollywood and by extension UK discussion inside the film industry/culture/society. The rest is just for people with weird accents.

I’d love to see a French-Belgian biopic of ‘Washington’ though, shot in Bulgaria and Ibiza. Would probably get a warm reception in US markets.

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Denzel in the lead role.

Nah, Omar Sy

Gladiator probably. I thought Prometheus wasn’t quite on the mark. Martian decent.

Anyway, what is it with Scott and robots going wrong?

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There are so many great USA and UK directors who have found success outside of Hollywood constraints but whose films are not commercial enough to warrant any kind of discussion in popular media vessels… Let alone those outside of USA and UK, them with funny accents! My following and search of new films these days basically boils down to looking what A24 are about to release and then following those threads through the Internet. Just make sure that you mute phrases like “Michael Bay”, “romcom” or “blockbuster” if you use social media… Very useful feature that I proof-tested with multiple variations of the prase “nu metal”.

I would say either Blackhawk Down or Body of Lies.

Well, just watched MI. Superb, really really good. Some glaring errors in the story but hell, the whole scale of the thing overwhelmed. The last 15 minutes are fabulous. How do we ratchet up the tension? How about a baby grand :wink: Bit slow in places so only gets a 9. The Rome section was gorgeous, just all round ace. Cruise at his best. The finale tells us exactly where we’re going in the next film. Can’t wait.

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Is it, and this is a wild guess, Tom Cruise doing his own stunts?

Well, I’m not giving the game away but I hope he’s not claustrophobic. Or hydrophobic………

I will going to see Mission Impossible eithe r this week or next.

He pulls of his mask to reveal it was Halle Berry all the time… :rofl:

based on that hint I’d hope he’s not planned a trip to the Titanic, might be a bit poor taste atm.

Forgot about that one but hearing Spud talk with an American accent still haunts me a bit.