The Film Thread

Remind me where she lives? Under the sea? Stands to reason she wouldn’t be white.

You’re buying the fan baiting line.

“Yes, entertaining the audience not actively telling them to fuck off. Not starting the press conferences and interviews in advance talking about female empowerment, diversity and inclusion and fan baiting to the nth degree. We don’t care, we just want a good story.

If all you want is a good story then why would the diversity of the cast mean anything to you, much less be something that gets you worked up?

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She’s a fictional creature. There’s no relevance of skin color. It makes no difference to the events of the film.

Any complaints to the contrary or born solely from racism and nothing else.

Come back when they cast a black Merida and you might have a point.


Why would a black Merida be a problem, but a latina Snow White isn’t?

Don’t give a fuck about either of that, I’d just like to understand how the rules work.

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I did finally watch Encanto this week. It was about as crap as I’d thought. I laughed twice and there was one decent song in there, but the movie itself was like a lot of Disney’s recent output. A decent idea that gets lost in a poorly thought out story.

I was quite disappointed by Encanto. Everything I had heard about it sounded positive. My daughter loves it though

I never said anything about any rules and I also used the word ‘might’ and I never mentioned Snow White.

There’s much more of an argument against the daughter of a Scottish King from mediaevel Scotland being anything other than white than there is a fictional mermaid having a specific ethnicity.

Yeah, the wife and daughter love it. I only watched it because we were doing a full Disney run through. We’re doing Pixar now. I think the only one I haven’t seen is Coco.


I find the Pixar ones tend to be split into kids’ ones for Disney Corp that are designed to sell branded lunch boxes (the Cars films being the worst offenders) and ones that are more Pixar’s own brand which are more family orientated and they are prepared to take more risks with - Wall-E and Up! probably being the best examples. Coco doesn’t quite hit the mark but it’s definitely a more family orientated film.

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My kid loves it too, and Frozen 2. I will say that I think ‘Lost in the Woods’ from Frozen 2 is like prime Phil Collins, love that song.

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And also drives home the dominance of established IP. Only one of those films is something new (elemental), and that was generally regarded as a failure given the cost to make. This is why studios are scrambling to retoool material they already own to justify making a new release with it rather than making new films.

To that point, the original Disney version is already a significantly retooled adaptation of the original version. I don’t understand the perspective that this is the version that must be locked as the basis for comparison, or that Walt was allowed to take creative license in the 30s but the company isnt now.

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Oh heavens. If it matters so much to the producers to race / gender swap the leads then I’m happy to be equally opposed to their agendas.
And AGAIN, it’s never enough to just cast a giant as a one legged lesbian dwarf or vice versa, it’s the massive advanced media fan baiting that’s now so prevalent. Then the film ceases to be as the source material, it’s just agenda driven lecturing drivel. Rings of Power as a fine example. Men shit, women strong.

So it isn’t only the story that matters to you.


She lives under the sea……

Wrong and here we go with the fan baiting. To disagree is to be an ist or a phobe. No, a little logical continuity would be jolly nice.

It’s nothing about her bloody ethnicity, it’s about the amount of sunlight she and her parents and ancestors would have been exposed to living under the sea! This is really simple biology. It’s just logical bollocks.

It’s a fairytale about a creature which doesn’t exist. There isn’t a necessity for logic. This is just gay angels all over again.

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No it isn’t, stop digging.

Perfect example. Watch this and tell me the most important thing is the story, not the diversity, inclusion etc etc etc:

Can I point out that the best Disney film is The Princess and the Frog? I’ll stand no argument on this. Tiana rocks and she waved to me on a parade once :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: