The Film Thread

Yes it is. For some reason you are selectively triggered by representation on screen.

You see this:

It’s a mermaid. But Ariel doesn’t look like this in the cartoon.

Either it matters what a mermaid looks like or it doesn’t. But the only reason you’re upset about the Haille Berry mermaid is because she’s a black person.

Representation is only a newsworthy subject for you when it’s a person of colour or a member of the lgbt community.

That creature above looks like a fish. Greenish. You prove my point perfectly, Thanks.

What you won’t accept is that the only reason to race swap is to generate diversity, bait the fans and then nullify all criticism of a shit film with “racist!!!” Wake up.

No. The fact she’s a shit actress is a rather more pressing reason. Was she picked out of meritocracy? No, she was picked because of her skin colour. Are you getting this yet?

Then why don’t you have any complaints about the cartoon Ariel?

I don’t recall you being up in arms about this casting:

Gee, I wonder why.

The problem with your argument is that nobody is saying you can’t criticise a film for being bad. The thing is you don’t actually do that. You turn up like clockwork after any high profile casting controversy preaching about how the film will be shit. I haven’t seem live action Little Mermaid so I don’t know of it’s any good, but the only thing I’ve seen you criticise is the skin colour of the lead actress.

I know you haven’t seen Snow White, but you already say it’s shit because of a diverse cast.

You don’t like the Star Wars sequels, but your lead argument is ‘female lead role and too diverse’.

Diverse casting does not and should never stop a film from being criticised, but here’s a little tip for you. When you criticse a film before it had been released based on casting and after release focus your complaints on the diversity of the film, then others are only going to conclude one thing about you.

Consider perhaps, shutting up about the diversity and instead provide criticisms about a movie based on plot, writing cinematography etc and you’ll probably find others are more receptive to what you are saying and might even agree with you :astonished:

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Oh the irony.

You really don’t get this do you? Why would I criticise her skin colour? Her skin colour is irrelevant, it’s her casting that is because if your species lives under the sea, you can’t possibly be black.

I agree, diversity is great. It’s when that diversity is the core aspect of the film and they shout about it in advance that I have an issue with. As I’ve said, many times.

And now we’re just going round in circles. You just admitted that picture is what a mermaid looks like because it ‘proves your point’ but you don’t have a problem with a white Ariel even though she doesn’t look like that. Mermaids don’t even exist so it doesn’t matter what they look like. They can look like anything because they are made up. Made up things can be any colour. So you can cast anyone.

Watch The Little Mermaid. it’s shit. Said it would be. Watch Rings of Power, utter shite, said it would be. Seen Indy? Guess what. Why? Because these are films about agenda, not character, plot and fundamental entertainment.

Frustrated Head GIF

Consider your tongue, if you have the ability. I’ll tolerate mild insults from those who I respect. I certainly accept no third rate insult from you.

My god, you’re so close.

All you need to realise is that it isn’t the agenda which makes these films shit, it’s not having a good characters and the flimsy plots which make them bad. And that is where your criticism should be. When all you talk about is skin colour, are you suprised nobody takes you seriously?

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Ah, at the stage where your argument has run out and you resort to hilarious gifs.

Best we leave it there then for your own self esteem.

Yep, diversity is great and female empowerment shouldn’t be a bad thing either.

The thing is - this is Hollywood, Hollywood blockbusters. Not exactly the place to look for nuance, if they have a message or they think something is the Zeitgeist, they’ll hit you with a sledgehammer, repeatedly. It’s like when they do patriotism, e.g. some of the 80s and especially 90s Blockbusters when that was the thing - yeah we get it, USA rocks, you saved the world again and you love your country, but does there need to be a flag in every frame of the picture?

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I personally couldn’t care about either of them, but dag nam it I demand to know when we will get a pure white horse cast as the lead of Black Beauty

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Never said it did but if that’s ALL the film is about then it’s fucked. I point you to the only purpose of the first 2 Starwars sequels was to thoroughly destroy the legacy leads.

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The key here is the word “deep”


Glad football returns tomorrow. Kind off.

Deep still falls ‘under the sea’…