The Film Thread

I want Broke Back Mountain made with a heterosexual couple, Thelma and Louise done with 2 gay men and me playing the lead in Martin Luther King’s biopic.

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Nah. we know what deep means and a mammal isn’t getting there.

But that’s a fish. Not a mermaid.

Parks And Recreation Mic Drop GIF

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A mermaid isn’t a mammal because they aren’t real

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The ocean is the great unknown. If they are real, they’re definitely Danish.

tell that to my missus

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The closest approximation to a ‘real’ mermaid is probably this:

In which case, they should probably have cast Boris Johnson as Ariel.

love coming into this thread when theres been a casting annoucement or picture of a fictional creature.

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They are, you just can’t see them because they are cloaked to survive in the ocean :rofl:

This is baffling to me. Waller Bridge’s character was portrayed a bad person whose selfishness and bad judgement got the hero into trouble repeatedly. Not too dissimilar to the female leads in the first two films, only even more of a unflattering character by focusing on the bad person bit rather than the unhelpfness. The idea there is some sort of pro-female agenda there just because there is a female in the cast is exactly the sort of knee jerk easy to dismiss criticism @deneb referenced.

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So at no point was she smarter, more knowledgable or quicker witted than Indiana fucking Jones? Come on.

What stuns me repeatedly is that Liverpool fans do mostly seem to be from the left no matter where they’re from. This thread a prime example.

At least it’s well mannered. Now.

At some points she even spoke without being spoken to.

Whether you appreciate it or not, your position is that it demonstrates a film ruining agenda if there is a female character who has even a momentary win even while being characterized in a negative light. Which is of course exactly how we got here

Really the only difference between Waller Bridge and the other female characters in the series is she existed for reasons other than being fuckable

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The story of the club, the history of the city etc all give it a very working class appeal - even if top level football no longer has any relation to working class people


Oh lordy no. My position is very simple. If you want a strong female lead, put her in her own film, don’t take agency from one of the greatest heros in screen history.


The original was made in 1930s, how dare they update the cast to show a modern non-segregated society!!!

Also, it’s Snow White, a movie for little kids. C’mon man. Pull your head out of your ass.

And mermaids can’t be black because science :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :clown_face: :clown_face:

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Scratches head……

The joke is here is that if a dwarf were cast as James Bond, many here would defend it. Now that’s irony.

sorry, painted with too broad a brush. I guess you only have a problem with the minorities?

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