The Film Thread

I watched 3 films over the past week,Oppenheimer,Killers of the flower moon and leave the world behind on Netflix,i was expecting good things from all 3 movies,what i wasnt expecting was to waste almost 10 hours of my life on complete dog shit,shocked at how dire and drawn out the first 2 were and are up for Oscars,DiCaprio was terrible,looked like he was trying to do a Marlon Brando in Godfather by jamming something in his mouth to look silly for 3hr30mins.

I watched the latest Indiana Jones movie last night. Not as bad as I was expecting. Not anywhere near as fun as the first three movies though. Fighting it out for fourth place along with the last movie.

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We are planning to watch that after the match.

All that speaks to is how astonished low your expectations must have been

Thanks for saving me 10 hours! :smiley:

Yes, I really didn’t like the fourth one and saw much of the negativity around this one that it helped bring them down just enough going into it.

Lol probably not the best movie review but honestly Maria i’d give all 3 a miss and i like most of the actors in these films,maybe i set my expectations too high but they were shockers for me.

I think there was abit of criticism about the Oppenheimer film as well. Apparently, he wasn’t the world’s nicest person in real life. Also, usually, Di Caprio films are high quality.

I thought Killers of the Flower Moon was excellent.

It is long though.

Leave the World behind…well I didn’t hate it, but I wouldn’t recommend it either.

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I enjoyed the latest Indiana Jones movie. Pure entertainment, lots of call backs to first 3. Much better than the 4th one.

Nww Hunger Games is surprisingly not as shit as I expected, although my expectations were close to 0.

I watched some Apple TV film last night called Sharper. It’s a film about conmen, but told in a non-linear way with each chapter a character’s perspective that fleshes out the full story behind the long con.

The ending doesn’t quite sell it, but it was a game effort and impressive for the number of Chekov’s gun style references they managed to weave through the first few chapters.

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Any thoughts on “Leave the World Behind”?

Lots of sources now reporting what I suggested here a few weeks ago - Zaslav is now trying to acquire Paramount for WB/Discovery. WBD are already so underwater in debt from the acquisition of WB that servicing it is driving all their operational decision making already that another purchase this big seems madness. But more importantly, by combing DW with Paramount (old viacom) they are putting about 80% of content the old cable bundle under one roof.

In an attempt to win the streaming wars, Zaslav has turned the most respected name in prestige content into the 90s cable bundle.


I dont get it. It’s a declining industry, both are heavily indebt and he is happily destroying much of the content they could otherwise profit from along the way…

I saw a suggestion elsewhere it might be an attempt to draw out another bidder but i’m not sure i believe that.

I have read a few theories but none that make much sense, especially as every out requires the industry to consolidate even further in a way that the FTC would almost certainly tie up in length anti-monopoly litigation.


I thought it was really good. It appears most of the “WTF” responses have come from the ending, but to me I thought they nailed it. It was in a way far more chilling than watching what ever was going to happen play out.

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Agreed (at least we can on this!)
I thought the ending was perfect, it left enough to consider and still rounded off the story.
The Kevin Bacon theory on the events unfolding was enough by way of "exposition or explanation.

The Iron Claw - I know nothing about wrestling and was not prepared for that film. Its very, very good though. Zac Efron should be getting an award for his performance but its a great overall film. Just don’t expect a happy one.

The two best movies I’ve seen recently are Iron Claw and Godzilla Minus One - with a combined budget of less than $30m.

The worst one I’ve seen recently (maybe ever) is Napolean with a budget of $200m.

Could be a lesson there.


I’m just watching Blade Runner for the first time in years, partly inspired by watching a documentary on Fritz Lang and his influence on Film Noir.

Anyway. Blade Runner is set in 2019. It’s in the bloody past. God, I feel old.