The Film Thread

was to klopptomist who suggested the part at 1:44 was funny…so i assumed he wathed the whole thing…

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Terminator 6 was rubbish? I can’t believe they ruined such a can’t miss franchise with silly wokeness when T4 and 5 were both so well received.

Against my better judgement I watched Bank of Dave on Friday. Silly pandering nonsense that treats “the north” like some magical place cultured Londoners just cannot understand.

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I watched it this evening and loved it, but i’m unashamedly sentimental. Thought much of it reminded me of the second movie more than the first (which in itself echoes the first a lot).

I miss the original police chief, Todd, though. Some of the best scenes in 1 and 2 involve him.

I’m a big fan of Gordon Levitt Jr too, ever since I watched Brick.

I was blown away by Brick but have resisted watching it again. I am conscious it wont have the same novelty on rewatch and wonder if without that whether it would hold up or come across as a bit silly.

Yeah, i’m the same.

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Probably being released in December -
BD is touring in the UK in Nov if anyone interested


I am shamefully guilty of not having BD in my collection. I need to address that.

Oh and Timothy had better hurry up and finish that Dune thingy

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This is probably my favourite Dylan song…

While BD doesn’t appear in the actual film shown here, his music, and this song does.
Called, Wonder Boys, it stars Michael Douglas, Toby Maguire, Robert Downey Jnr, Katie Holmes and many other good actors
A realistic 9/10 IMHO :+1:

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Training Day’s still fucking boss after 20 however many years and 300 however many times later of watching.

King Kong sure as hell aint got shit on you!!


Watched All of Us Strangers last night. One of the saddest and most beautiful films I’ve seen in my life. Andrew Scott, what an actor.


Just Mercy.

Oh it’s good. It’s very very good. Very simple film to follow but behind it lies a deep, powerful story. Best I’ve seen Michael B in.


Anybody able to DM me a totally legal and above board site to watch some recent releases on? Currently housebound and could do with some entertainment beyond reading.

“Have a wank. And a Pot Noodle.”

©️ @PeachesEnRegalia


I love that tune too. It reminds me so much of Leonard Cohen.

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Could do with a break tbh seeing as the above is currently an accurate representation of myself.


That’s come as a complete shock to me.

I didn’t know you are left-handed.

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IMO, Leonard Cohen has no equal - BD, while brilliant -in his own way, is just a poor version of him is all :0)
Another soundtrack but with LC music as a bonus @Alright_Now_Legend - You’re welcome :0)


I can’t agree on the comparison, but I do worship them both and am about to fire up Everybody Knows. Thanks for the treat!

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You probably aware of this version @Alright_Now_Legend … If not, and you give it a listen, I can sense the love you have for Alainis Morrissette, sliding over to Johnette Napolitano :upside_down_face:

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Saw Deadpool/Wolverine movie last night.

It was OK, not bad but not brilliant either. The movie was effectively fight scenes broken up by jokes. The downfall of the movie was the plot.

The plot is just weak, the bits that are meant to be the heart of the movie fall flat (despite good acting by Hugh Jackman). There is not enough peril. It was more, watch these two super hero’s kill everyone.

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