The Film Thread

I think the thing about Liam Neeson is that he can make any 4/10 movie a 7/10. I like watching his movies. Maybe to him, making movies is really just work, making as much money and movies when he can rather than being choosy about what type of movies to make.

No,it was a walk among the tombstones

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Not sure I agree with that. I find his stuff to be quite inconsistent. That’s not to say it’s his fault as I think much depends on the storyline, script etc.

Tough call.

yea honestly what I meant was that if you take Liam Neeson out from alot of movies he did recently, like Blacklight, it would be like a 3 or 4/10. The storyline was so bland that it only because of Liam that it was barely watchable…any lesser actor and this would probably be not good enough for straight to VHS.

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Quite possibly. Phantom Menace springs to mind. I thought he was well cast and played it very well despite the Jar Jar Binx etc. paradox dragging the film down.

See, I hated him in it. Possibly because he was the vehicle for so much bad plot devices around Anakin though rather than his performance.

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How dare you doubt the master Sith Lord of the whole series!

Would you believe I actually fell over a tombstone in Tombstone into a grave?

Having seen the latest 3, they make the prequels look like Toy Story 1-3 (greatest trilogy IMHO)

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I’d love to see Price and Prejudice. Is it set on a market stall?


It’s set on a market stall where the stallholder is a bigot. :+1::nerd_face:

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Maybe with a grudge against onions

He’s a butcher, Pork and Prejudice.

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It was a 4 out of 10 movie even with him in. And that’s being generous

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So it is +2hrs of EastEnders?

Think I’ll pass on that shite


the don godfather GIF

Yeah, great films but not Woody and Buzz. Plus there’s Godfather 3…

I dont know which is more interesting, that someone would have a rule to not watch “old” films, or to have broken the rule for Air Force 1.

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It’s not a rule, more of a preference…

The Bubble on Netflix was a decent Friday night watch. If I’m being critical the pacing is slightly off and it loses it’s way in the middle, ending up about 15 mins too long as a result, but picks up before the end. Some genuinely laugh out loud moments.