The German Election

Haven’t seen this posted elsewhere. Surely the AfD will make the most out of it…

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It wouldn’t surprise me if they were behind it.


Bavaria’s interior minister at first giving false details about the suspect doesn’t help either. Ffs, get your facts straight before talking to journalists.


He had said the suspect was supposed to leave the country, but couldn’t be deported because of Aghanistan. Now it turns out he had a work permit. He previously said the suspect had a record of criminal offenses. Now it turns out that’s not true either, instead he was a witness in a shop lift case (apparently working as the shop detective).
None of this stuff matters to the victims and their families right now.
But these details fucking matter in light of the current discussion in an alreay extremely heated debate. This stuff literally went around world. This is irresponsible.
It’s bad enough as it is.


I wonder if it was just deliberate politicking.


I must admit that the thought crossed my mind as well. Hopefully there will be a thorough investigation taking place.

Well, what do you think about it?

I read that there have been five terrorist attacks in Germany over the past 12 months, and all have been done by immigrants.

Is this true? Do you think this has something to do with the rise of the AfD?

No, it had never crossed my mind until you said that.

I think we should throw all immigrants out of the country and never let any one of them back in. Along with the Americans and their woke identity politics of course.


I’m with you on the American part!

Another question I’d like to know is what is Germany going to do revitalize their business sector. Germany used to be the powerhouse of Europe. But the cutting off of Russian gas and the slowdown and protectionism of China has really hurt the country’s business sentiment.

Attack on migrant home prevented, very little was reported about it today. Perpetrator comes from Saxony.


Electricity production is a proxy for economic growth. It’s not one for one, but it is a good indication of the health of an economy. It’s been declining in Germany for many years. Which party is going to fix it and how?

I mean, seriously Germany?


What are German politicians and the German public doing to solve this?

German manufacturing production is collapsing. What are the German people doing about this?

Alright, c’mon. Srsly Germany? This isn’t you!

So many questions, short answer: We’re totally fucked.

I’ve heard there’s a mental health crisis in the US. Is that true?


That question belongs in the US thread. This is the Germany thread. It appears you are violating forum rules.

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Yes Kölsch, that’s the first time ever that someone has posted off topic on this forum. You’ve set a dangerous precedent.


Yeah because it’s obviously the migrant’s fault? Don’t you know, immigrants = bad?

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