The German Election

Agree with the 3 US threads, which really should have been one, but otherwise you speak nonsense here.

There is no other thread on this incredibly important election. The general thread is a completely useless thread to discuss this in, there is absolutely no focus of topic and the thread is so all over the place that I seldom even bother to visit since I for one prefer topics, focus and actual subjects.


Just here? I speak nonsense all the time.

By the way, the reasoning in your second paragraph contradicts your first. :wink:

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Maybe I’m too tired (did not sleep tonight), but I don’t see a contradiction :slight_smile:

Anyway, I’m bad sport right now,I confess.

Buy yes, the upcoming German election really interests me and I had hoped this thread could provoke a discussion where German members participated and where I could learn bits of knowledge.

It will, once we’ve pacified Cynnie.

I don’t need pacifying.

People agree on some matters and disagree on others. Ultimately, the world keeps turning.


What? Are you suggesting the earth is round?

Nah, it is more cylindrical.

or rather cynical…


The vast majority of people aren’t cynical enough, sadly.


give them some years…

The way society is being dumbed down? I won’t hold my breath. :confused:

societies have always been quite dumb, its just today that everyone has a channel to prove it to the whole world

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but there is progress some times : look how now at least 1 German participates in derailing the “German election” thread :wink:


I think the key to TAN is that a new thread is never about that topic. It’s about introducing that topic to all other threads while giving a space for all other topics to be bantered about.

I hope the Germans lose.


Things didn’t turn out so well for the world the last time the Germans had a disastrous election…

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They are the “fulcrum” of Europe, and thereby, the world, at least according to Brendan Simms, but he’s an Irishman, and-we’re all adults here-we know never to trust an Irishman, even if he appears friendly.