The Hunt for Klopp’s Successor

yes, confirmed

It will be more “forgiveable” to most Liverpool fans if he chooses to stay in Bayer than to go to another club like Bayern or Real, especially if we explicitly made it known we want him. But I don’t think it’s a foregone conclusion that FSG only has Alonso lined up and that Alonso will only choose us.

Who are the alternatives 'Bag?

The worse Tuchel is at his job the more important his next position seems to be. The definition of failing upwards.

Fully expect him to be the next US President.

Jeremy Hunt syndrome


So would that be before or after a stint at Old Trafford?

I’m sure Xabi would love to manage Liverpool at some point. If he doesn’t come this time it can only be because he doesn’t think the timing is right for him, not because he flat-out doesn’t fancy the job! I mean, who would not want a stab at managing Liverpool FC?! Even I’d have a go and I know next to nothing about football :grinning:

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Or the next United manager

Everton job might be up in the summer

In my book, the biggest menace for us regarding Xabi is and remains Real Madrid. They currently have a great coach in Ancelotti, who has won the lot for them, but we know how that club functions: three games without winning will mean that Ancelotti will be out of his job, and Madrid will go after the latest shiny toy on offer.

Of course, if Xabi has three braincells to rub together (he has, and more than that) he’ll go for the option which offers him the biggest potential for a longer spell, and that is neither Real nor Bayern, where he would have to live with the potential of being out of a job after three weeks at any given moment in time. Also, out of the three cities, Liverpool is his preferred place as he said himself, or at least the one where he felt the most at home during his playing days (and what a player he was, still my preferred one of those I’ve watched live).

Come on, Xabi, you know what you have to do once you’ll have finished your job at Leverkusen! :+1: :blush:


I really don’t see him at Bayern not yet seems not obvious to me at all.

German players being dragged to Bayern makes sense not so much Alonso who had two big clubs and made his name elsewhere.

I have no doubt it will be us and then Madrid if his trajectory continues.

Be patient Bebop, haven’t you seen this news?

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I’d be stunned if Alonso stays at Leverkusen, not unless he’s convinced he’ll retain the vast majority of that squad (barring any release clauses i.e. Frimpong).

That means in all likelihood, he knows he’ll be on the move in the summer, and discussed it with his family already. I’d be equally stunned if he decided to move to Bayern Munich for sporting reasons. I can’t see him staying in Germany for family reasons, either. I mean, he’s moved from Spain to England, back to Spain, to Germany, back to Spain, then back to Germany. He’s not shy in moving his wife and children around.

As long as Real Madrid stay out of the picture (which they should, given Ancelotti’s contract extension), then I’m very confident Alonso will be our manager next season.

I know his son is a Liverpool fan :ok_hand:

Good article, I’m not convinced Thomas Frank deserves to even be in the conversation though and Ange would just be a non starter.

I wonder if the club have thought about Simeone Inzaghi from Inter if they fail in luring Xabi. Think it goes under the radar a bit how well he has done there with relatively limited resources, especially in Europe. I thought a couple of years ago we were somewhat fortunate to get past them in the round of 16. Stylistically there are some similarities to us, all be it with a different formation. Italians have a decent history of winning the PL in recent times as well.

Haven’t seen any links to him at all so likely a non starter, but it seems confusing to me managers of the level of Frank and Ange are getting regular mentions but he doesn’t.

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I agree with many others - can’t see Xabi jumping ship for Bayern. Yes, he played for them, but he would also be giving Leverkusen the bird. That said, the other Bundesliga clubs are already used to Bayern picking and choosing from their teams.

The focus seems to be us or Bayern - but there is also surely a chance that he decides to stay put. He looks likely to guide Leverkusen to the title, and at worst, a CL spot, and he may want to guide his charges for one more season, and get a taste of CL football without the pressure of Bayern.

On pressure, I don’t think he would have anywhere near the pressure on him at Liverpool, compared to Bayen, and we are damn appealing in terms of the club, squad etc. It’s hard not to get excited at the thought of him coming here, and given we don’t tend to chop and change managers often, it is assumed he sees us a good next step.

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I assume it’s because we generally don’t put out what we are doing so some are guesses.

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If he was guaranteed to keep most of the squad intact, then it’s a strong possibility he stays. However, it’s likely the core talents will get taken, and I’m not sure Alonso would stick around for another rebuild, with the Liverpool and Bayern jobs available.

Not that it would make any difference. If you had a son that was a bluenose, and the bitters came to offer you the managers job would you take it just because your son supports them?

If I had a son that was a bluenose he wouldn’t be my son…