The Hunt for Klopp’s Successor

So, Wee Jay Spearing as a 12 month interim and then we have another run next year?

Had a feeling we’d have our answer by the end of this international break with Xabi. Fair play to him for wanting to see the job through with Leverkusen, though it’s annoying to think Real Madrid will probably get their way yet again in a couple of years time.

I’m still not really sold on RDZ at all. He’s done a great job at Brighton but sometimes it all feels a bit suicidal, not sure I could cope with another 13/14 esque season.

Still feel like Inzaghi might be the stand out candidate but he’s barely even been mentioned in the discussion which is a shame.

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yeah RDZ is just not the chosen one for me either…what sort of football does inzaghi play?

Is this Hoeness bloke taking the piss? There is a title race on and this fuckwit talks about getting the coach. Just trying to play mind games to unsettle.

Have a read/watch if you have the time.

For me he’s as likely to be the next “super coach” as Xabi, and has more of a body of work to back that idea up.


If Alonso didn’t have any connection with the club nobody would seriously bat an eye lid at this news.


My gut says its gonna be RDZ

All The Way Utt GIF by Everton Football Club

Morim or Seb Hoeness

The Joyce article isn’t definitive. I haven’t given up on Xabi yet!


its the hope that kills ya… i think its pretty definitive


Will be interesting if a totally new name appears in coming days and weeks. But as we get closer, the list becomes shorter.

the list was already pretty short… we might get someone out of left field being added onto the list

That’s just not true. He’s a young manager who has a unbeaten team which is about to wrest the Bundesliga from Bayern’s hands after 12 years. That is an incredible achievement.
He’d be on anybody’s list.

You may be right, but since Easter Sunday is coming up, I’m going to respond to the Joyce article with a quote from Saint Thomas: “I will not believe!”

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I feel like Edwards and the Anaylsis team wanted Amorim from the jump because of how he scored on their little computers. so alonso pulling out makes it easier

here you go doubting thomas:


good luck to him. Why shouldnt he stay and try and and build something. shit for us but we move on


if we have known for a while, then chances are we already have a preferred target lined up

Think that sporting manager will be our new boss

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