The Hunt for Klopp’s Successor

It was announced now but it will have been under discussion for a while. Actually, the mass resignations were announced in January so it is more likely to have been then.

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I said it a few weeks back. The Amorim stuff coming out praising his stats, scoring very highly on the data used by Spearman, had me concerned about whether Alonso was coming, almost like they were preparing us for this news. Now here we are, no Alonso, and all eyes on Amorim.

Any chance of a surprise name out of nowhere? Or perhaps a u-turn and we still get Alonso? Didn’t we have a similar scenario where Rodgers turned us down because he didn’t feel he was No.1, and then after a week or so, we went back for him?

I’ve wanted us to go down the route regarding transfers similar to Sporting, Benfica, Porto, Monaco, Dortmund. It seems like we’ll go down that route management wise too.


Dance Dancing GIF by MOODMAN


@Miguelsantos welcome to the forum. Do follow/support any club outside Portugal?


Hey Liverpool fans, Sporting fan here.

Keep up, Ifti!


Oops, edited.

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Don’t see Nagelsman as the answer for us,thinking I could come around to Amorin,outside that hope we are talking to someone who is not on our radar just now!

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good looking bastard to be fair… will compete with allison in the sexy beard wars

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That’s Beluga…

If all fails, I hear Andre-Villas Boas is lurking in some corner somewhere, and also this balls-sniffing fellow is available too…

Joachim Löw Germany GIF - Joachim Löw Germany Trainer GIFs|833x468.5625

So, it’s nailed on he’s coming here then

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There will be a press conference in Leverkusen at 14h german time and it´s expected that Xabi will announce that he is staying etc.

That´s why it´s all over the news now, he presumably made his decision.

I would be terribly disappointed with such an appointment. It would have a Brendan Rodgers feel to it.

This guy may have talent, I don’t dispute it, but his track record and level of experience is unworthy of our current standing. We are one of the top five clubs in Europe, and thus deserve one of the top five managers: people who have already proved that they are genuinely top material, like Kloppo at the time when he came to us. Amorim comes from a very small league and has no experience of the pressure which comes with a club like LFC. He has no experience of English football, neither as a player nor as a manager. Also, his track record in Europe isn’t incredibly impressive. They were recently ousted by Atalanta in the Europa League.

He lacks the shoulders for such a massive job imo. Xabi, while young too for a manager, has plenty of big club experience, and knows the club. Honestly, besides both being young, there is no comparison between the two.

If we can’t get Xabi, then we have to turn towards someone ho has sufficient gravitas to endorse the pressure and transform it into a positive, and that must be someone imo who has already won one of the four major leagues in Europe: Spain, Germany, Italy or England, and has a convincing track-record in Europe. And he must be able to express himself with sufficient ease in English.

Inzaghi is an intriguing call btw, but he doesn’t speak English I think?


Xabi may only get one shot at this…to not take it and miss out on that “what if it’s amazing” opportunity seems weird.

If he doesn’t want it then he shouldn’t ever get another shot at it.

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As I said in the other thread, it seems out of character for him to prolong a stay at a club when something bigger and better pops up. ** He has never done it before, neither as a player nor as a manager.

** No disrespect at all to Leverkusen btw, but they are still small when compared to the biggest European giants, and I remain persuaded that we must hold a lot of appeal for him right now.

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Not sure about this? Yes he left Sociedad for us but then he only really left us after the Gareth Barry debacle and Rafa trying to sell him the previous season after he missed a match due to the birth of his son. Then leaving Real for Bayern was more a case of being pushed out so again not him really jumping at the first opportunity. Leverkusen are his first managerial gig so again no evidence of this pattern, IMO.

Anyway, Kicker reporting now that he has made his mind up and stays at Leverkusen. It will probably be officially announced today.

It’s a pity. The prospect of him coming to us to succeed Klopp had the right vibe about it. It seemed natural. Oh well…


I am not having him anywhere near this club. You don’t know where has hands have been apart from his trousers. :see_no_evil: :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

He is much better at managing the National Team

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Im not massively sold on RDZ at all. Out of the two he feels more like Rodgers than Amirom.


Aww, I think that’s abit harsh. I am coming to the view that he is not ready to join Liverpool yet and he needs more experience in Champions League football as Manager. To follow Jürgen, as the next manager is not any easy job to do. I do hope and believe he will manage Liverpool one day, but not right now.