The Liverpool Guide Thread

I was supposed go on South the M56 from Chester, but we used Waze app and we missed a turn.:woman_facepalming:t2:
Then it re-calculated for us to go via Kingsway Tunnel near Liverpool centre. Then, went on the M53, then got onto to the M6 motorway.

However, I will be back soon😊.


Just a thought @Maria

Don’t forget that there is a massive liner docking near the Pier Head early in the morning to be launched later on - there is a free music event to mark the occasion… Andrea Bocelli and others

How to see Andrea Bocelli at Liverpool’s Pier Head during Cunard Queen Anne naming ceremony

Andrea Bocelli will perform as part of the naming ceremony’s musical lineup

World-renowned tenor Andrea Bocelli will perform at the naming ceremony for Cunard’s newest ship in Liverpool tomorrow afternoon.

Thousands of people are expected to head down to Liverpool’s Pier Head for the free event which will feature musical performances. Queen Anne will arrive in Liverpool at around 7am and will be berthed alongside the Cruise Terminal until around 2pm.

From 4pm the official naming ceremony will begin, being hosted by husband and wife presenting dup Emma and Matt Willis. The line-up for the ceremony includes performances from Andrea Bocelli, Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra, Liverpool Institute of Performing Arts, Liverpool Theatre School and DJ Lauren Lo Sung.


I will look that event up, thanks @sandsoftime.

I went to Llandudno for half the day too.

I didn’t know Chester is such a well located place. You are near two big cities Liverpool and Manchester. Also, you are so near North Wales. Its 45 minute drove to Llandudno.
The couple I stayed with, their postcode is in Wales, but they work in Chester which is hardly 15 minute drive.


That leads to some fun outcomes: Covid: Chester could move game amid England-Wales row - BBC News

You should start a blog

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Another touristy bit @Maria - is Llangollen - the aqueduct, shire horses pulling the canal boats and such


You too should have a blog.


I see you managed to get to the show eh @Maria :0)

Andrea Bocelli fan arrives hours early to see legendary tenor


She looks alot younger than me.:joy:


I forgot to mention.
I really like Lark Lane. What a vibrant street.


It has its moments eh… Albert dock


Glorious :heart_eyes:

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We are a friendly bunch eh :0)

Scouse truck driver turned round immediately when he saw ‘lost’ Hollywood star

Story by Jess Molyneux

It’s now been 16 years since Quentin Tarantino’s famous trip to Liverpool which saw fans queue for 12 hours in Liverpool city centre - and a truck driver came to his rescue.

Back in September 2007, Quentin Tarantino was in Liverpool for the UK premiere of his new movie Death Proof. As part of the publicity tour, Tarantino did a signing at the lost Virgin Megastore in Clayton Square, where the first person started queuing up at 5.30am, the ECHO previously reported.

At the time, the legendary director also signed a number of film toys from Kill Bill. A preview of Death Proof was also screened at FACT and a Q&A followed.

But while the ECHO were delving into our archive, we came across more of another story tied to Tarantino’s visit which we love. At the time, a ‘Good Samaritan’ truck driver came to the aid of his favourite movie hero when he spotted him wandering lost through the streets of Liverpool.

Dad Steve Potts, then 46, from Halewood, was on his way to a job in his skip hire truck when he caught sight of a familiar face in the city centre. But it was only when he doubled-back that he realised the man was in fact Hollywood director who was in the city promoting his new movie.


Working for CCS Skiphire in Kirkby, at the time Steve said "I didn’t know he was in town so when I drove past I didn’t think for one second that he was the real thing.

"As luck would have it, I was due to pick up a skip from a site opposite the Hope Street Hotel where he was staying during his visit. A crowd was gathered outside so I asked someone what was happening and was told that Quentin Tarantino was staying there.

“I realised it must have been him who I’d seen. I loaded the skip onto the truck and drove back the way I came to see if I could spot him.” Steve found the director stopped at traffic lights mid-afternoon on the opposite side of the road along Mount Pleasant.

Steve said: "I yelled to him ‘Wait there Quentin, mate, I’ll come and give you a lift’ and then drove round to get him. He was very nice and really chatty.

“He told me he liked the city and found the people here very friendly. He told me he rarely got a day off and so had gone into town to do some shopping. He was quite happy with me taking some photos on my phone to show my mates and that’s all that I wanted.”

The ECHO asked Steve if Tarantino offered him anything in return for the favour. Steve added: "I wouldn’t have taken anything from him.

“I was made up just to talk to him. He was quite happy with me taking some photos on my phone to show my mates and that’s all that I wanted.”

While in Liverpool, Tarantino also spoke to reporter Adrian Butler who met him at Cains. The director didn’t seem phased by the people of Liverpool approaching him.

Tarantino told the ECHO: “’ve got a day off tomorrow. And I want to go into Liverpool and have a look around some of the pubs.” When asked if he would get “mobbed” by fans, Tarantino replied: "Actually I don’t get people following me around.

“If somebody comes up to me and I’m in the mood, maybe I’ll sign something or give them a picture. But it’s actually not young people in pubs at that time of the day. It’s old people – and they don’t give a f***.”


Liverpool is the eleventh best city to eat out in the world according to Time Out:


The city has great variety of food from all over the world.

I tried a Liverpool chippy for the first time and Chris has changed my life forever

Chinese chippies are institutions in Liverpool

OK everyone, we’re getting serious. We’re talking Chinese chippies. Now, I love nothing more than a Chinese takeaway - in fact I’d go as far as to say it’s one of my favourite cuisines - and I’m British so of course I love a good chippy. But, Chinese food and a chippy together? Salt and pepper chips? Now, we’re talking.

Who, what, where, when and why is a Chinese chippy not a national thing? You’re onto something elite here Liverpool and I can’t tell you enough how envious I am.

So, I moved to Liverpool around five months ago and when I first got here I was a bit confused as to why the local chippy sold Chinese food, but I thought to myself “you know, I’m not going to question it…” I was even more shocked to find out it’s an actual thing in Liverpool.

For months my colleagues have asked me if I’d tried a Chinese chippy yet. Confused, I told them no. Silly, silly me for not trying it sooner. After months of being asked, I finally decided it was time to try this dish I’d been so highly recommended. And, let me tell you it was life-changing.

My housemate has been going to Chris’s Chippy, in Mossley Hill, since she was a kid and said it was the best in South Liverpool. I arrived expecting to find your average chippy, but boy was I wrong. I was greeted by the friendliest staff I’d ever met in any takeaway shop across the country - and I’ve been in my fair share. Not only were the staff nice, but the menu was huge.

Chris’s Chippy on Rose Lane, Mossley Hill which has been there for 55 years.

Rumours have been floating around that salt and pepper came from Liverpool, I’m not sure how 100% true it is, and it’s also believed that Chris’s Chippy brought them to south Liverpool. Again, I don’t have the facts but after tasting this sensation I’m strongly believing it.

So, with the “rumours” I ordered salt and pepper chips, chicken and curry sauce - because I can’t have either a Chinese takeaway or chippy without curry sauce. It’s a criminal offence in my opinion. The only words I had to describe the moment I tucked into the food - which smelt sensational might I add - were “Chris has changed my life forever.”

I’d spent 25 years of my life without a Liverpool chippy and quite honestly I don’t know how I’ve coped. Liverpool, once again you’ve made me lost for words - and I’m sticking around simply just for this combination of foods, which you have totally mastered.

Chinese chippies are life-changing, there I said it. And, the rest of the country really needs to hurry up and get onboard - I thought I was passionate about my Teesside parmo until I discovered this combo. Oh, and it was a total bargain too.


Chinese chippies are rank.

End of.

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No they’re not. :nerd_face:


Nice touch here…

I walked into a Liverpool pub with a secret but within two minutes people were over it

I was slightly wary when I walked into a number of pubs but I needn’t have been

Andy Durrant in the Flat Iron pub in Anfield

I have a confession; I am not a local. The last time I was in Liverpool was three years ago in August 2021 – my first time staying overnight away from home since before the pandemic. Before that, the only parts of this great city I had visited were Anfield and Goodison Park as an away fan.

I am a mature sports journalism student studying down south, here in Liverpool on a placement as part of my university course, and originally from Wellingborough in Northamptonshire.

I thought I had got lucky with my Airbnb, £200 for the fortnight seemed too good to be true, turns out it was – only 48 hours before I was due to arrive, I received an email to say that they had no broadband and would I like to cancel. I didn’t have time to look for alternative accommodation, so decided to take it on the chin and just get on with it – I spend too much time in front of a screen anyway.

Now, I love a cute dog or cat TikTok video as much as the next person, but I wanted to do a little more with my evenings than just mindlessly scrolling through social media, so I have been going out, only for a couple of pints and nothing late (I’m too old to be staying up late when I need to be up in the morning anyway.)

It is well known that Scousers are some of the friendliest people you will ever meet, but I have truly been taken aback by just how friendly and welcoming everyone is. I felt like I was walking into a pub with a bit of a secret, given I am a southerner, but every pub I have been in, within two minutes, locals have been talking to me like they have known me for years – even though my accent is somewhat of a curiosity (the best one being thinking I am Australian.) I certainly wouldn’t get that in my hometown, and definitely not in London.

Everyone has taken me in and been so warm and generous with me. It’s also refreshing to get some change (sometimes quite a bit) out of a fiver for a pint as well. But, as anyone who has ever found themselves on their own in a new town or city and miles away from home, can no doubt testify, a conversation from a stranger really can mean so much. So I thank you Liverpool for being so welcoming to me