The Manchester United Thread: That's It. That's the Joke (Part 1)

I’m not aware entirely or that interested in who did what first, but Rangnick and Klopp we know share a high degree of mutual admiration.


That’s Rafaël van der Vaart who played for Spurs, Madrid and Hamburg.

Hé did not miss much meals since he retired :upside_down_face:


Yeah that consultancy role doesn’t sound like anything major. To be fair if they are a bit more savvy in the market then it would be long overdue as currently it’s name the player put the selling clubs back up and then pay an extra 20m for him.

Anyhow I think it’s obvious certain players are absolutely horseshite yet you’ll still get comments like this I just read…

maguire…I don’t think so…him n Shaw have been injured n playing thru them imo…put our midfield in front of vvd n he would struggle

I copied and pasted as I think it summed it up


Deluded but true, how is that? :rofl:

Intriguing appointment, I wonder if the man lives up to the myth though. He’s been touted around these shores for years and nobody has ever wanted to go all in on him. I wonder if our German posters could maybe fill me in a little bit on what makes him seemingly so highly respected, because glancing at his honours it isn’t particularly impressive, though I understand he had a big hand in helping to establish Leipzig in the top division and has been a big influence on the current crop of German managers.

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Let’s see him adapt to the kind of abject shithousery he’ll come up against when they play the Burnleys of the world.

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Maybe you are right, I have read that Ragnick was the great inspiration and viewed as the Gegenpressing professor and that he inspired Klopp’s tactics. It’s what all the Norwegian papers are writing anyway, noting that Liverpool was mulling hiring him after sacking Roy Hodgeson but decided to go with a club legend instead. Perhaps that is an exaggeration about him being the great Gegenpressing master, I am not an expert on Bundesliga. I guess I am parroting a bit of stuff from various newspaper articles like most people.
Norwegian press is usually okay on the Bundesliga (certainly compared to the English press), but maybe I am reading incorrect stuff.

Anyway, I don’t see Manchester United succeeding at Gegepressing come the next few 3-4 months, so will be interesting to see if such tactics can be successfully adapted with that squad. Time will tell I guess.

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Can anyone tell me how to block this thread? I really don’t give a fuck about Man U unless we’re just about to play them, are playing them or have just played them.

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It’s dead simple mate. You just don’t fucking click on it if you’re not arsed.

You’re welcome!


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Would that work if I continuously tag him?


Once you select Muted, the thread will disappear from the list altogether. Not sure if the tagging will cause any grief after muting.

To access the thread, then you will have to select Preferences (from your own avatar), then Preferences again.
Under Notification, select Categories. Next to Muted, select “Show”. A list of Muted threads will appear.


If they start pulling hamstrings one right after the other, then we’ll be able to say it probably doesn’t. :wink: I get the sense that they have pace but are not the fittest squad per se.

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Now that he’s set to become United manager it seems every outlet from Timbuktu to Maun is now blowing smoke up his arse as being the mentor to Klopp and Tuchel. We’ve had the Myth of Monchi go around a few years ago, the Fables of Rangnick seems likely to be the new fad.


Cmon Skippy this thread has been good for my well-being lately. Stay with it.

Lamentably, with the star of the title being gone, it will lose some of it lustre pretty soon.

As long as they continue fucking it up it won’t.


Still, it won’t be the same sans the Deluded One.