The Manchester United Thread: That's It. That's the Joke (Part 1)

Yes, it’s a side to his game I hadn’t noticed before (maybe because he’s normally only played for dominant sides). This is the third time this season, that I recall, he’s kicked out when his team are losing. Did it against Curtis Jones too and again in another game but I don’t recall the details… may have been De Bruyne, I’m sure somebody will remind me.


The way things are going, he may soon start kicking his own players…


“we don’t look solid at the back, like Mr Whippy”

:rofl: :rofl:


Maguire on toast :grin:

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Went to see the family on Boxing Day and ended up chatting football. My dad said it should be a easy three points for Utd. I said that if Newcastle play like they did against Liverpool they’ll beat Utd. I wasn’t that far off.




Sevilla making a fairly ruthless loan offer for Martial, 50% of his wages. Rejected, but the blood is in the water now. You know an Italian side is going to hit them with an offer for 55% and a later bonus payment on the never-never plan.


You couldn’t make it up could you.

I think it’s a fair offer

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Seville are a fascinating side full of once very well regarded players whose careers never quite took off. It would be fascinating if, when aligned with the experience of the likes of Rakatic, they all came together to finally all click in the same place and win the league. It’s like their home for redemption projections, even including their manager. Martial is a perfect fit for them.


Sevilla are masters. :sunglasses:

They find rejected toys, pick up bottles during the night, find some decent talent and merge them altogether.


As fun as it is watching Neville’s reaction, I find it interesting into this personal motivations and lack of objectivity than insightful on what is actually happening. Coming out with the “the players got the last manager the sack” line clearly shows how unobjective he is and how everything he says about them is geared towards defending his mate Ole. Now he clearly thinks his mate has been fucked by these players he’s seemingly more likely to keep putting in the boot with these players than he is use his presence in the media to support the club at a level not commensurate with their standing, as we’ve seen with them for the past damn near decade now.


They lack leadership from top to bottom. It translates to a succession of bad decisions, and long may it continue.

The money and the personnel should mean they challenge for the title. But you need leadership and coaching, and the whole thing to be joined up top to bottom. It looks pretty fragmented to me.

Wreck it Ralf might be able to get more of a tune out of them, but there are so many questions. Is he the man? Is another coming in summer? Is Ralfie choosing that man? Does he have real authority or is he passing through?

Oh, and Neville refusing to say anything bad about Solksjaer is a joke. You don’t have to stick the boot in, but you can at least say he had plenty of time, and the results were short of expectations, something benign, but at least true.


A sizeable portion of the Caf now seems to realise a) the squad is shite, and b) Ronaldo (and to a lesser extent Bruno) is a terrible fucking poison.

What a time to be alive.


“21 iS cOmInG”

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Hey, it seemed to work for Conte. Why not give it a go?


United are like Origi


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Will they defeat the mighty Burnley…

Thing is they would have struggled in the two other games in my view well Brighton anyhow, Brentford have 11 out.

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