The Middle East Thread

Be aware that twitter is full of idiot sources claiming attacks on Ben Gurion, massive fires in Negev and videos showing Russian ballistic missile impacts on cities in Ukraine. If you use it to update yourself, better filter your sources and double check with others. Rule of thumb is that if one source shows a spectacular video, several other OSINT channels would also have it if it was credible. Big Event = Big exposure.

Iran is still launching

Everything is shit, but at least this is cool

According to this, ISR will decide on the tomorrow how to respond:

I’m going to bed…

Iranian attack seems to be mostly over. For now. Ball seems to now be in (seems to, maybe Iran will surprise me) Israel’s court. This obviously isn’t over.

about time Iran did something after talking out the side of their neck.

Business back to usual for Israel then.

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The world would be better off if Israel didn’t exist.

Conflicts would always exist. If not Israel , then some other country or countries

It isn’t Israel per se that is the problem. It’s the rightwing lunatics running the country.


Iran’s support of Russia against Ukraine (providing many of these same drones) has pushed them into a different era of conflict with the West. I suspect the factories where the Shahed drones are manufactured to be a target, just isn’t clear which air force is going to be doing the targeting.

I am afraid that the Israeli strike on Damascus has achieved the political end that Netanyahu wanted.

By all accounts, most of the drones and missiles were intercepted outside Israel. US and UK warplanes operated in Iraq and Syria (without consent, so that’s very much an escalation, but who cares.).

It is not really an escalation, because Syria and Iraq have not controlled their own airspace for years. Hence Jordan taking the step of shooting down drones - to ensure they don’t enter that same category.

Yes, US is just too gullible (or perhaps they a willing partner).

I want to be hopeful. Considering the massive efforts it took from Israel and its allies to thwart the attack, maybe, just maybe, US/West will restraint Israel from future misadventures.

Iran’s leadership believed their own deterrence was more important than Netanyahu getting a political lifeline. That seems rather more gullible to me.

You really want to blame it on Iran? As if Netanyahu wouldn’t have survived or wouldn’t have escalated if Iran didn’t respond. Don’t forget, the only time he came under any real criticism when he killed those Western aid workers.


What do you mean?

Just because Syrian airspace is regularly violated doesn’t mean each violation isn’t an escalation.