The Middle East Thread

The US recognition is a bit perverse. The US holds the West Bank to have the status of Occupied Territory, but not Palestinian. The question of who it is occupied from is left open, Jordan’s rejection of the territory is not disputed.

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One of the funniest stories of the Trump presidency is him allegedly just on an offhand comment offering it up to the King of Jordan (like it was his to give away) and having the king visibly recoil and try to end the meeting ASAP before he somehow was given control of something he wanted no part of.

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Netanyahou has never wanted to see Hamas removed. Neither before, nor after October 7.


not directly, but Turkey borders all of this mess.

Students are now protesting at France’s Sciences Po university. It started with a few dozen students, but recent footage shows several hundred has gathered.

More good news

teargas and rubber bullets??? :man_facepalming:

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Protestors were stupid to be wearing those masks, under Georgia law it is a misdemeanor to be on public or third-party property without permission while concealing your face. It immediately allows Georgia police to begin arresting them.

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Can we all please make a point of never again believing RWers or self-identified liberals who are really just reactionary centrists (always looking to find the midpoint of any argument, no matter the arguments being made) when they speak of the supposed societal danger of policing campus speech (at least of those of you who believed them in the first place)


The point about the pictures being relesead is a good one. Israel takes OP-Sec very seriously.

Have anyone seen those murals? What’s objectionable about them?

“Complaints were made by pro-Israel lawyers”

So likely nothing objectional but the councils feared if they didn’t bow ti the Zionist regimes demands they would be labelled antisemitic

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Absolutely nothing, that much is obvious.

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Hamas delegation leader Khalil a-Hayya, claims to have “no problems with Israel and Egypt’s latest Cease Fire offer”.

But too early too be really hopeful, imo, as it could be a ploy or there could be later spoilers. But maybe, at least seems to be movement…

Blinken: Offer for a Cease Fire Deal to Hamas extraordinary generous. They must decide very fast, he said.
Meanwhile, Hamas in Egypt says that they have no great problems with this latest offer of a Cease Fire Deal.
Hamas claims they will give their answer soon.

However, meanwhile, IDF continues its very visible and high profile (leaks, leaks, leaks in all direction, despite Israel having perhaps the best military censorship on planet earth) preparations for operation in Gaza.