The Middle East Thread

Is there any protests/encampments in any Canadian universities?

True (not that repression has been brutal when you consider that it’s the US, but agree with what you say about changing policy being very wise).

Off topic: But I think it is very sad that these protests, which are of lesser importance and primarily a domestic pain for Biden and could usher in Trump in the worst case scenario (but that’s later down the line), gets the attention they do compared to the incredibly important ones in Georgia, but such is the world and media attention is a thing. But in Georgia, protesters are encountering real police brutality and corruption. Very different from what we see in the US and the numbers of demonstrators, much higher in small country. But eyes are on these student’s protest and not on Georgia. I find it a bit odd. But such is the world. What happens in the West and the Middle East (petrolium region) will always be more important than what is considered more backwaters, and Georgia is located in an unfortunate geographical location for our attention.

I just find it sad.


Concordia and McGill are both Montreal universities (Montreal has a large Jewish community), both have active protests. McGill now has an encampment on the Lower Field, with rumours flying that a clear-out is imminent.

Concordia doesn’t really have a good place for such a thing, it is an urban campus - but has had competing demonstrators inside one of the large student commons buildings. That has been a frequent point of friction, with both sides rather adept at reining in their behaviour and slogans when media shows up. Campus security has generally done a good job of shutting down deliberate physical provocations.

There are daytime demonstrations at the University of Toronto and University of Ottawa, but no encampments. Both of those schools have been very clear that they will respect and defend protestors’ presence during the day, but overnight encampments will not be tolerated. Not sure if there are any out West.

edit: Pro-Palestinian protesters erect tents at U of O | CBC News

Ball is in U of O’s court now I guess. Not quite sure why overnight tents are such a red line, particularly in this period between semesters. That lot is barely visible from anywhere except the front of the building.

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My cousin’s daughter is a student in that UCLA campus.

She’s not participating in the happenings. But according to her the discourse there (among both the sides) has been toxic from day 1 (even prior the initial Hamas attacks)

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Agreed. The counter protest at UCLA and their actions are a sobering counter to that but on balance, I agree.

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People are the same everywhere. These sorts of protests, peaceful in their beginning, will almost always turn into a fractious affair towards “ending” if it goes on long enough.

Am surprised the loony/radical/impassioned/righteous right hasn’t blamed ANTIFA yet…

Should add that coronations, I mean, graduations are around the corner so if these protests are not “quietly” moved along the charitable businesses (aka universities) will loose quite some income

You are correct on the UCLA incident.

However , there’s been sustained harassment (from both the sides). The discourse w.r.t Israel & Palestine in that University (as a Symptom of the greater world) was already fucked prior to the Hamas attacks and has become increasingly toxic post that.

The point is that these incidents rarely happen suddenly. It’s the fall out of a series of events.

There is an element of anti-Semitism which has crept in with those initial protests. I suppose that will be used as an excuse to crack down on the protests after the pro-israel lobby had it’s say.

These lunatics who are causing destruction and violence needs to be locked up without bail!

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Jordan says Israeli settlers attacked aid convoys on way to Gaza

Jordan said some Israeli settlers attacked two of its aid convoys that were on the way to Gaza on Wednesday, the state news agency reported.

In the report it said:

The convoys were en route to the Beit Hanoun and Karam Abu Salem crossings when the attack occurred, resulting in the dumping of some of their cargo, which included food, flour, and other necessities, in the streets.

The ministry said the Israeli government’s failure to safeguard the aid convoys and allowing the attack to occur is a flagrant breach of its legal obligations as the occupying power and its duty to facilitate aid access to Gaza.

Sufian Qudah, the ministry’s official spokesperson, remarked that the assault and Israel’s failure to provide protection undermine its claims and commitments to allowing aid into Gaza via the Beit Hanoun crossing.

Qudah squarely held Israeli authorities responsible for the attack, urging the international community to condemn it unequivocally.

Israel had been boasting that convoys from Jordan were increasing the amount of aid being delivered to the Gaza Strip. The Petra news agency said the convoys was able to complete its mission, despite the attack.

Israeli demonstrators have repeatedly tried to prevent aid being delivered to Gaza, contesting that supplies should be cut until all the hostages seized on 7 October by Hamas and other groups in Gaza are returned.

Arrests were made last week on a counter-demonstration where a group of rabbis attempted to make a symbolic delivery of food to the Gaza Strip during the Passover holiday period.

first world protesting

Montreal court has rejected a request for an injunction against the McGill protests. The request was filed by two McGill students. Remains to be seen what happens with a request from the university.

Pro-Israeli crowd attacking pro palestinian crowd. Some ugly scenes, relatively speaking (because it is relatively not that ugly when you compare it to events in Georgia demonstrations, where people lose eye sight from rubber bullets). Supposedly a jewish woman had been attacked prior to that, but I don’t know if that is really true since I read that from a very dubious source placed on the far right on the political spectrum (Visegrad, a pretty damn racist eastern European outlet). But there are some fights going on and it looks bad on video and probably is very bad.
The social fabric of the US has long been dissolving and all of this is just making what was already there, worse.

Some of it here from Bremmer’s account:

Three hours to respond and another an hour to break-up the attack/fighting. Yes, it’s sinister.

Looks like it isn’t happening. Hate to say I told you so.

I have been watching some news, and the analysts/commentators are saying that the reported disagreements are not that great.

I Hope Please GIF

Nothing constructive happens if the goal posts keep shifting.

The situation at UCLA is escalating at the moment. Hope your relative is doing OK @Sithbare .