The Middle East Thread

I would not call it escalating. Police are clearing them out. That is only going to end one way.

The worrisome thing there is that the violence of the counter-protestors has achieved exactly what they wanted, and I haven’t seen much in the way of arrests of those attackers. That will inspire a wave of Kyle Rittenhouse wanna-bes.


Camp showed up at U of T overnight as well. That one will be a real litmus test. The U of O one is on a prominent lawn in front of Tabaret Hall (main admin), but is actually quite out of the way and not really visible or disruptive. U of T is immediately adjacent to the provincial government buildings at Queen’s Park, and in fact the location is only about 100 meters away from the provincial legislature.

Safe at her home.

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There is saying about authoritarianism that goes something like “the true power of the authoritarian is not in telling the lie, but in getting people to repeat it who know it is lie.”


The people in power and pieces of shit like Soro’s is just loving what’s playing out here in the states. It’s everything that is just working to their advantage. It’s just going to continue giving them more control and power. Sad and dark days ahead my brothers.

These protests are anti-semitic. Also, George Soros is behind them

Tyson Fury punching himself in the face 2 animated gif

“Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth.”

Attributed to Joseph Goebbels

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The assessment, released by the UN Development Programme, said Gaza needs “approximately 80 years to restore all the fully destroyed housing units”.

However, in a best-case scenario in which construction materials are delivered five times as fast as in the last crisis in 2021, it could be done by 2040, the report said.

“The United Nations Development Programme’s initial estimates for the reconstruction of … the Gaza Strip surpass $30bn and could reach up to $40bn,” said UN assistant secretary general Abdallah al-Dardari .

This speech is very bad and should probably be regarded as incitement. That is not within the realms of political demonstration, more roleplaying war and insurrection. Absolute moron whoever is speaking there. These students are not repressed themselves, palestinians are represssed. They are not in Gaza, but larping it. This is very, very destructive for protests that are peaceful and is of course extremely counter productive. Role playing war against the state, much like MAGA…

Meanwhile, in the actual conflict area where people are actually suffering, Israel does this to their own beduin citizens. Even when the little girl is in hospital, humanitarian concerns counts for nothing in israel
Ugly, oh so ugly.

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US campus arrests pass 2,000 – report

At least 200 people were arrested at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) on Thursday, the Associated Press now says, bringing the nationwide total of arrests to more than 2,000 at dozens of college campuses since police cleared an encampment at Columbia University on 30 April.

Demonstrations and arrests have occurred in almost every corner of the nation, and in the last 24 hours most prominently at UCLA where officers in riot gear swamped protesters, removed barricades and began dismantling demonstrators’ fortified encampment.

Sgt Alejandro Rubio of the California highway patrol, citing data from the Los Angeles county sheriff’s department, said the 200 detained on Thursday were booked at the county jails complex near downtown Los Angeles, and UCLA will determine any charges.

I am hoping they just bombed regime and Hezbollah shipment as usual and not another hit on the Iranians.

Who isn’t.

Now there’s a protest/encampment at MIT

Further detail and background on Prof Ghassan Abu-Sittah, the plastic and reconstructive surgeon who was denied entry to France, where he was due to speak to the French senate later today. Abu-Sittah has provided testimony on the war in Gaza after operating there during the conflict.

After arriving at Paris’ Charles De Gaulle Airport, Prof Ghassan Abu-Sitta, a plastic and reconstructive surgeon, was informed by French authorities that Germany has enforced a Schengen-wide ban on his entry to Europe.

“They are preventing me from entering France. I am supposed to speak at the French Senate Today,” said Sitta, who remains under French detention. “Fortress Europe silencing the witnesses to the genocide while Israel kills them in prison.”

During the months of October and November 2023 at the beginning of Israel’s war on Gaza that has since killed more than 34,000 Palestinians, Abu-Sittah operated from Gaza’s Al Shifa and Al Ahli Baptist hospitals. During his 43 days, he described witnessing a “massacre unfold” in Gaza and the use of white phosphorus munitions, which Israel has denied. He has also provided evidence to Scotland Yard.

The International Centre of Justice for Palestinians (ICJP) called his detention an “unacceptable harassment of a globally respected medical professional”.

“By design, the Germans are silencing a key witness to Israel’s war crimes. This follows their action taken on 12 April to bar Dr Abu Sitta’s entry to Berlin to participate in the Palestine Congress - an event which German police later disbanded,” the independent organisation said in a statement.

“ICJP are instructing lawyers in France and Germany to see that the German’s authoritarian crackdown on free speech and witness testimony won’t stand,” ICJP director Tayab Ali said.

WTF :exploding_head:

Wtf indeed… :see_no_evil:

And it’s a so-called centre-left government enforcing this. Honestly, I’m already at the point at which I can’t wait anymore for Schulz to fuck off back into the hole he came out from. Bring back Merkel please, or put in a real chancellor, not such an untasty, dishonest excuse of a politician!