The Owners - FSG

Except he literally said he’d recommended it. You have your opinion on what Klopp wants I have mine. But even when Dortmund were regularly selling his best players or losing them on free transfers to his main rival he NEVER complained. But we know it wasn’t what he wanted. What he said that January was so close to being the first out an out criticism Klopp has ever made, whilst in a job, of those in charge of the money ever. It was like Mother Teresa swearing. You just can’t see it as you are seeking confirmation bias. You’ve always believed Klopp is a certain type of manager, which he is, and then taken it to the extreme that he NEVER wants to sign players.

Wow we’re going through the same discussion re. FSG spending…again…does no one read back…

Tired Back To School GIF by Originals

You said you were on board with the plan as Thiago would mean less need for Fabinho to play CM and could therefore be fourth choice. Those are your words. The fact Thiago then also picks up a long term injury along with everything else that happens is neither here nor there. Matip was never going anywhere, Hoever was gone by this point so is entirely moot to the discussion. You were happy with Fabinho 4th and Phillips in an emergency. Your words.

Now you’re saying Klopp wanted someone else and the owners were tight in not giving it to him and should have done more. Well why weren’t you saying that at the time as others were.

Couldn’t agree more.


Both statements can be true.

How? How can you be happy at the time and then annoyed a later date? They are diametrically opposed opinions separated only by the benefit seeing how it actually played out.

We can all be right with the benefit of hindsight. At the time I picked my lottery numbers I was happy with my selections but now the draw has been made I’m furious someone didn’t do more to make sure I picked the right ones. Well guess what, that’s fucking life, get one with it and stop moaning.

You should change your name to Havaianas with the amount of flip flopping you do.

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Why did I need to know in the summer that Klopp wouldn’t be OK with something that was going to happen for it to be true?

Yes, if we only had the money for one of the two things we should ideally be fixing then yes, getting a starter like Thiago trumped improving our depth in CB. But ideally Matip needed to move on too and be replaced by a more physically robust CB.

Yes because since I said that Klopp went on the record to state he’d recommended we bring one in but it wasn’t him making the decision. Plus 13 months later the accounts came out showing the club voluntarily paid off a £50m credit facility early during that financial year.

So why, if Klopp wanted and recommended a player was required, was he told no till Matip got injured? Money COULD be made available.

I feel like we end up focused on this one instance over and over again. It’s actually a much bigger more concerning issue. We’ve got the best manager in the world, some of the best recruitment in the world, some of the best revenues in the world, a wage bill in a real healthy zone and owners raking it in due to the benefits of owning this club and its ever increasing value. Where’s the ambition to back that project and create something special?

I’m going to leave this thread now feel like I’m banging my head against a brick wall and everyone is getting pissed off over it.

And here is the problem. He said this in January when asked about January transfers. You have decided he said this about the summer window and a centre half specifically at that time. Neither of those things are the case. Echo

And then guess what happened, we brought in two centre backs anyway and he still played the guys we already had and they got us Champions League football.

The reason you feel like you’re banging your head against a wall is because you are misinterpreting things and refuse to see that your entire argument is based on a presumption that it would seem only you are making from one line in a press conference. A press conference in which Klopp goes on to say he is not frustrated by the decisions being made and understands it’s not an ideal world right now.


The reason why said poster feels like they’re banging their head against a wall is because they’ve already made up their mind about a narrative and are just cherry-picking things to try to support their argument no matter how many times they’ve had it pointed out to them that either (a) the logic is flawed, (b) the so-called support doesn’t fit their scenario, (c) the so-called support was taken completely out of context, or (d) they’re just plain lying.

Also why I frankly can’t be bothered to reply half the time, because it’s great having a debate about differing philosophies on how the club is run, but only if it’s in good faith. If one person is constantly deliberately misinterpreting facts at best, and outright lying at worst, then there’s no point.


This is fair. Let’s have a look at some other instances like when the club messed up in the approach for VVD. Did we run out and buy the next name on the list or did we go without and wait until we could complete the deal for the player we wanted who turned out to be the best CB in the world.

When left back was our weakest position and the whole world and it’s mum could see that we needed to bring in someone better than Moreno, we decided to instead to look for solutions in the squad and go with Milner for 12 months, who turned out to be the best LB in the league, before bringing in Robbo who turned out to be the best LB in the world.

When we were looking to bring in a new forward player, while Klopp had someone else in mind, he listened to the advice of the experts around him and we instead bought Salah, who went on to become perhaps the best player in the world?

So taking these instances into account, which is the more likely?

a) Klopp was desperate for a CB, was told he couldn’t have one and was pissed out about it for months to the point in January when he finally exploded and moaned about the situation in a press conference


b) The CB situation was assessed and determined good enough that Lovren was allowed to be sold, knowing that in Fabinho we had a player that provided a solution within the squad. That we had an interest in Konate as a planned long term purchase and didn’t really want a quick fix situation, and that even if Klopp did have the strong opinion that we should bring in a CB, that he wasn’t comfortable reaching a final decision on that after listening to the advice and recommendations of others.

For me, I am comfortable in forming an opinion based on the actions of the manager formed over a period of years, more than I am forming an opinion based on one answer to one question in one press conference.


Funny how an injury crisis like nothing I’ve ever witnessed can polarise opinion.


Hold my beer please…

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


How about we chat about FSG and the potential for investment in Crypto/NFTs…

It’s all very interesting going forward - lots of arguments for and against it. I’m not entirely sure - it’s quite volatile in that market.

The eternal debate about money is bollocks. It always has been.

Firstly, the stingy net spend is in part a function of how good we are in the market. We’ve brought in world class players at a fraction of their true worth (or coached them into that bracket) and sold lads we don’t want for ridiculous fees. This has all pulled the net spend down.

You have to bear in mind that other clubs with much higher net spend are ahead of us because they have fucked up their business. They have wasted millions on inadequate players. They have churned managers, and had to fund new rebuild cycles every year.

We know we can’t get into a spending war with City. That would ruin us, and is exactly what they would want.

Secondly, regardless of quibbling about Centre Backs in January, Klopp has never been a manager who wants to spend money. He prefers to use the market as a last resort. He wants to back ‘his boys’ and he wants to run a small, tightly knit, squad.

Thirdly, I think there is a huge amount of strategic sense in aggressively pursuing every improvement mechanism outside transfers and to a certain extent those improvement mechanisms need to limit the reliance on transfers to be effective. This is certainly true with youth development. We shouldn’t be signing players where they would be a barrier to outstanding young players getting game time.

My ideal summer is one where we sign no-one, but bring through three incredibly talented kids from the U23s


Another one would be Trent. When he was starting to break through, loads of fans were angry the club weren’t going out and signing a first choice right back.


I suspect that some of the oligarch backed clubs will be very interested in that as the primary utility of it is money laundering. I can see a few NFTs of City players suddenly being snapped up for a gazillion quid.

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City are already all over Crypto.

Personally I don’t understand it, and think we might look back on a time with amusement that people thought it would be a good idea to put their savings into pretend internet money. However I accept I’m probably a bit behind the curve.

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PSG are as well.

Only questions on crypto is when and how they will eventually regulate it. There’s too much happening on it to be binned now.


How are things going in here??

We good?

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I was trying to list my art pieces on opensea but realize they need me to put some money into my eth wallet first. No way am I putting in money first when my art pieces are going to fly like hotcakes