The Owners - FSG

Being disappointed that he’s unable to bring in players he likes at certain times due to financial constraints is categorically NOT the same as feeling let down by the Club/Owners.


The mechanism by which they find cash is irrelevant. What I’m saying I don’t think the club (including Klopp) want or need the owner to release more money for signing, for all the reasons I keep saying.

You say it would have been good if the club could have got an alternative to Jota a year earlier. I don’t think the club deal with ‘alternatives’. They wanted Jota. They got him when he was available

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I’ll agree with this bit, but it’s not is it? Football teams always have to continue improving and progressing and bringing new fresh talent in. It provides a bounce for those already there for one thing.

We’ve actually spent around £160m and around £90m of that has been recouped.

They do, our back up options like Salah have seemed great successes too.

Actually thats still exactly what we do, it’s not a list of priority I don’t think though. Clear example was Tsimikas, we apparently highlighted several options and made an offer for him that was rejected, we then made a very public level for that Norwich guy at a slightly higher level than we’d offered for Tsimikas. That gets accepted we end up with the kid from Norwich and he’d have been our top target at that price point. But it was rejected so we did the new price for Tsimikas, our original target at a lower price point and everyone is happy! Was Tsimikas higher or lower on a list? I think he’s just an alternative. Same with Jota vs Werner vs Sarr.

Or a Virgil in today’s money. :nerd_face:


This should be pinned to the top of this topic. While I’m largely impressed with the way they’ve run the club so far (and it’s many, many more pro’s than con’s), they’ve struck gold with Klopp and player recruitment staff (net spend and all that…). If they hire a manager who will continue what these people started, while winning a few big trophies, they will become probably the greatest owners of any European football club at that moment.


Coutinho, Can, Gini, Kagawa, Sahin, Mkhitaryan all know.

i dare say there are more who will also know…


Which we do. It isn’t long since we won the league with IMO the single best league campaign ever undertaken. To that we’ve added Tsimikas, Konate, Elliot, Jota, Thiago and Diaz. That’s not too shabby. You seem to be focussed on a single summer when we didn’t do any business.

My figures are from and I’m honestly not arsed about what has been recouped. If LFC are very good at selling lads we don’t need, more power to them.

Salah wasn’t a back up. He was the lad the recruitment team kept pestering Klopp to sign. Klopp had originally had his eyes on someone else, but their persistence won out. I think Klopp rather trusts them now, if he didn’t before.

I don’t think Jota/Werner was like that. I think Werner ruled himself out with his wage demands, and while the club linked him I think that counted against him.

We’d been tracking Jota seriously for 3/4 years.

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Pretty sure that is bollocks. @Lowton_Red certainly appears to know his way around a set of accounts, and i believe another of those taking issue with you also identified themselves as an accountant (cant remember who that was though).


Have any of them said I’m wrong on use of funds regarding how fast we seem to pay loans off judging by low interest amounts, able to post a “loss” equal to infrastructure costs such as training facilities/stadium work within FFP etc.? The people arguing with me on those fronts haven’t seemed to be able to explain how I’m wrong.

We all agree that the malaise at United is because of the structure developed by the owners. They have tons of money and have spent lavishly on managers and players with little success.

But then when analysing our own club not everyone notices that our recent success despite a lack of shady money is not only due to the manager and players but also due to the solid backroom structure that FSG have created. It’s bizarre. Some want to be United but don’t want to be United. Weird.


Klopp seems ok with it? Guess he’s saying this whilst being held hostage and reading from a script?


While i havent read all of the posts in the recent discussion, i dont think that is what people are disagreeing with you on. Its the wider picture you are ignoring. Financing deals are just one link in the chain of how the business operates.


But why can we no sign everyone?


The tweet after that one is quite interesting as it looks at squad cost. Us and Inter are pretty evenly matched on that front but our wage bill is almost twice the size. Shows we buy well when it comes to fees and then invest in wages to keep those players at the club.

With wages correlating far more closely with success than spend or net spend it makes sense to invest your money in the squad in this way. Also highlights why we perhaps buy less players than some clubs or fans may like. Firstly, we don’t need to as the guys we have are doing a great job, are being rewarded and so don’t feel the need to leave creating gaps to be filled. Secondly, it shows why we need to sell the deadwood, not just to free up the squad place but to free up whatever we can for wages.

Perhaps why we’ve chosen not to renew a few contracts over the last couple years and let players go on free transfers. Instead of risking new contracts at a level we aren’t comfortable with and then not being able to move them on if needs be we’ve stuck to our guns on contract valuations and are comfortable to let them walk knowing we’ll find a replacement if needs be that overall will be more financially viable in the long term.


Yep very similar to the Juve model of old before they lost the plot about 5 (?) years ago

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Waiting for Swiss Ramble’s write up to get a better understanding of the financial picture.


Most journalists have said we are in a very strong position and the wage bill has actually gone down despite all the renewals! Considering we lost 95% match day revenue to only be down £4mil is pretty dam good, and no creative accounting like others…


Summary of the financial period:

  • Covers period when LFC won the Premier League, its 19th league title
  • Significant impact on matchday revenue, dropping by nearly 95 per cent
  • Media revenue rose by £64.5m to £266.1m
  • Commercial revenue rose by £0.2m to £217.6m
  • Overall revenue down by £3m to £487m
  • Loss before tax fell by £41.5m to £4.8m

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Any reason the report is publish almost a year after the end of the financial period in question?

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