The Owners - FSG

Putting scorn on both manc clubs in one sentence, while stating nothing but the truth… :+1:


Shout out to FSG for securing Klopp for a further 2 years, making it 4 to go - a long time in football.

Klopp is the main draw when it comes to playing at Liverpool - so securing him means we are more likely to secure Mo and Sadio, as well as be a pull to other talent. We are all aware that we will need to reinforce again, in midfield, if we are to keep on challenging.

I started supporting Liverpool when Roy Evans was in charge - I missed the Shanks and Paisley Eras, so don’t have first hand experience in how our club was under their tutelage, so for me, Klopp has been the greatest manager to be in charge of Liverpool in that time - is he up there with Shanks and Paisley - yes I think so, so having him here for longer is a huge tick in the FSG are good box. Hopefully the silverware keeps coming, starting with the three left to fight for this season.


The owners deserve a big Bravo for extending Klopp’s deal. :feather::mushroom::star:

Most important signing of the year.

super mario nintendo GIF


Yes, he is definitely up there with Shanks and Paisley. He is the modern day Shankly but, for me, Shankly will always be our greatest manager because he created the unique cultural identity that attracted Klopp to Liverpool in the first place. Without Shankly there is no Klopp but the status JK now has with the fans feels more or less the same to me.

Getting JK as manager is the single best thing FSG have done since they’ve been at the club, but running that a close second is keeping him here for what will be at least 11 years. It shows they are letting him do the job in the way he wants to do it. It helps that him and Mike Gordon are best buddies but even sceptics like me will have to admit that whatever we might think about net spend, wage structure etc, JK is happy with it all and if he isn’t the strong likelihood is that FSG will do what he wants because they know the importance of keeping him on side. Apparently JK hasn’t even taken a pay rise for this new contract. I bet FSG can’t believe their luck.


Best thing. United save shit news to drop after shit results. We release magnificent news to get us even more pumped for history altering success.

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If it is true that Jurgen didn’t ask for, or receive, a raise for the extra 2 years, it would be nice if the owners approached him and said let’s do something together, in your name, with the extra money we might have paid you over 2 years.

Let’s imagine it could be £5M total, and if invested at a 7% return, could provide £350k per annum.

40 scholarships a year for students in the city?
400 match day tickets for kids for every game? (partner with local schools to identify good behavior or whatever).
Something for seniors?
Something for food banks?

I’m sure much better ideas could be generated, but something good could be done, in Jurgen’s name, that would add to the community and add to the greatness of LFC.


Jürgen & Ulla Klopp Scholarship :heart_eyes:


Leading the way again:


this x 100. and iver never really put this particular two and two together and ended up with four before, but of course this is spot on. the arguement is always made that gate prices need to be profitable, but do they? to the extreme that we rely on them to compete

you could make an arguement for lowering ticket prices and (fine line here) having a local address a further discount(schools do it, its not that controversial)

its part of the act…part of the allure…its the whole package

or for aussies…'its the constitution…its, mabo…yeah…thats it…its just the vibe ’

The Castle - The Vibe - YouTube

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£80mil a year is insane… if true…


Given that all I could tell you about our current sponsors is that “it’s a bank” the whole concept of shirt sponsorship is insane. Then again, thinking back I could tell you that we were sponsored by a TV manufacturer, ceiling paint, washing machines and beer. I don’t think I have ever bought a thing of any of them.

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Granted 10 year olds tend not to have a encyclopedic knowledge their mates’ washing machines, does anyone know anyone who bought a Candy?

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They are a subsidiary of Haier, a Chinese Multinational

I owned 1 a few years ago, does that count?

£80M a year… WOW…

that would be like buying a player of Harry Maguire’s skill level player every year! :wink:


Sure, but they weren’t in the late 80 and early 90s when they were paying to be on our shirt. My point today was not to ask if anyone owns anything under the Haier umbrella, but to back up the suggestion of the limited impact of shirt sponsorship.

Apparently, Candy owns Hoover and did so at the time, so probably most liverpool fans owned a Candy product, they just likely didnt know it and didnt buy it because of any association with liverpool

Put like that it doesn’t sound enough…

Think i’d rather buy the washing machine for £80m, better deal (and slightly more mobile)