The Owners - FSG

Nearly bought on of their big American freezers…but no to expensive…just a little caveat…sorry…

So from 2023/24 we’re looking at a 61k seater stadium, £80m shirt sponsorship deal, huge Nike revenues as the best selling football shirt, huge broadcasting income, hopefully lots of competition related revenue too.

No wonder Jurgen wants to have a bit of that action!


That might be true, but I have to say I definitely had more Carsberg than I would have otherwise. Granted this was when I was first starting to drink beer and not that experienced in my fandom either…

I think shirt sponsorship is probably more effective in the international market and the newer or more casual fans, or even non football people who see supporters wearing the shirt and have no idea what the team is but think “oh hey I need a bank” or “I could use a beer.”

The Candy thing doesn’t make too much sense to me, though the kits looked great with candy on them.

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Could you tell the difference? At least the washing machine could get the clothes clean?

That’s a company? I thought it was because we were sweet on the eyes.


Mo’s agent is reading this and jerking off. Anyone know what @PeachesEnRegalia does for a living?

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“Where is the sponsorship money John?”


We going to need a bigger sofa!


We inherited a Candy which we had for about 15 years before it died. When we were looking for replacements, I was pushing for another Candy because of our association with them, I’m not actually sure what we bought. But then this wasn’t in the 80s.

I also will drink Carslberg more willingly over either Carling or Fosters, though it’s not my 1st choice.

Equally it works the other way. While I have had a Samsung phone in the past , I’m less inclined to have one these days because they sponsor Chelsea, whereas if they sponsored us, I would probably have one. If Pepsi started sponsoring United, I would probably always buy Coke instead

Something like Standard Chartered makes no sense to me though because your average man in the street can’t buy that as a product, so I’m not sure what’s in it for them really.

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I suppose particularly with someone like Standard Chartered it’s about brand awareness. How many of us had even heard of them before they sponsored us? I certainly hadn’t. What that benefits them I’m not sure sure as most of us won’t be their market.

Does it help recruit good staff as they will be known, rather than who the f$ck are they? Does it mean big business are more likely to use them as again they would know of them so would have them in a list of banks to choose from? No idea, they must get some benefit from the average bod on the street knowing they exist.

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That’s a grim as fuck set of choices


I don’t envy the choice of mobile network that you’d be left with doing this.


It is, but that’s sort of the point. I’m not going to go out of my way to drink any of them, but if I end up in a bar with only these on tap, then I’d go Carlsberg. If either of the others had then I would go with them.

But it’s possible that for firms like that, there are more rivals fans who would avoid a product/service because of the association with a specific team than there are fans who would use that product because of the sponsor.

At this point in my life, it’s more important to me that it’s a company that isn’t morally problematic. So if someone like Brewdog was able to sponsor us, I’d be strongly opposed to that.

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If it’s an cryptocurrency and I hope not as I feel the things are a bit collapsible and could go south and be a bit of an embarrassment, then at least pick one with a semi normal name. I know anything could but Standard Chartered does look a bit more respectable than “



If we are going crypto that would be my guess.

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Over 100 million already from champions league money I hope Klopp sees a large amount to spend in summer, fuck balancing books.


Henry and Werner were at the Kentucky Derby today at Churchill Downs, looking very dapper.

Where is the Kentucky winnings John?


Don’t know if they ever attend a Red Sox game but I’m not under the impression that they love watching football matches in a stadium. You only see them when we play a final.

One could say whatever you want about Abramovich but he attended a shitload of Chelsea matches, same as the Leicester owner who sadly died in that helicopter crash, they clearly love football and for them it was/is not just an investment like it is for those two so it seems.