The Owners - FSG

You’ve taken one sentence out of a post that is pretty balanced in determining what might have gone wrong. We don’t know what goes on behind the scenes at the club. Some of us choose to believe a certain version because it supports their argument. I’ve suggested two because they are equally plausible, as is a combination of the two. I don’t care who’s fault it is that we are currently shit. I just want us to be better.

I think JK deserves criticism for failing to adapt the tactical approach to the personnel he has available and I was straight on to the pre-season fuck up as soon as the first game finished. But on recruitment, that’s a shared responsibility between the owners, Ward and Klopp. If we’re pinning that on Klopp as well we’re effectively saying that it’s all his fault and that’s incredibly unfair and surely inaccurate.



he dismissed it all summer working to the parameters he was given and accepts.

time for FSG to widen those parameters.

its quite simple really, jurgen didnt want to do a deal given the hand he held…give him a few more aces? the rest is just logic.

hes turned this club (back) into a behemouth, yet we are consistently outspent by 6 or 7 clubs year in year out…

an theres no point looking at forest and going ‘yeah well hows that working out?’ the situation is different…the needs different…the draw different.

over the years we’ve had every excuse over the sun, ‘whos decent we can sign to be back up’, ‘the club have a strict wage structure’, ‘klopp will wait for the right player’, ‘we have him lined up for next summer’…the list seems endless.

in the end, as an organisation, you either ‘do’ or you ‘dont’

having Milner, Kieta, AOC and cast as a reason to not buy other players is…well…its like weve been conditioned to be honest.

summary…Klopp is working to his brief and made mistakes…widen the brief…hes earnt that much


I’m not. I’m using your post as a jumping off point for a wider comment on the nature of our support.

This is where I’ve ended up in terms of trying to work out what’s gone on. Klopp only wants the “right player” - and the right players were not attainable - the question therefore is, could FSG have done something to make them attainable as it inevitably comes down to money. Or is it simply that the “right players” were actually not available at all.

Possibly, but there is an assumption that Klopp wants the brief widened. He has never been that manager, and I’m not sure you could turn him into that anymore than you turn Simeone into an attack minded cavalier.

I suspect that the owners could give Klopp £200m to spend on retooling his midfield, and he’d give them half that money back, saying he is happy to buy Bellingham and make do with the rest.

I’ve said before that Klopp biggest strength is his loyalty to his players. It might also be his biggest weakness.

I can’t remember who makes this point regularly, but it’s also the case that we don’t spend a lot because we’re ruthlessly efficient with our spending. Memes about multiple £50m fullbacks aside, we generally have a really high hit rate that completely negates the high spend figures of other teams.

It’s easy to say that we could just have splashed out more for players, but that also ignores that we do, and in fact have just done so. What fans disagree on is merely the quality of the player that you get for the money. I’m willing to trust the process that has built this team more so than most on here.

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nah man, not buying it…Klopps a winner, you dont get to be where he is by just being happy with the hand you’re dealt…

you can assume hes happy and wouldnt want to upgrade his players…go for it…i just cant accept it.

its not like im suggesting kick milner out on the street, auction of AOC locker and ban Keita from training…you can still be honourable…but you can release them if needed…the club could negotiate with Keita, with Ox, buy them out half the value and release or some such…

I’d actually say most on here also are, and it’s just the odd handful who want us to spend £200m a year every year.

if finding a replacement for AOC is too hard, maybe the wrong people are being asked to do the task

Think his name is Bellingham, and he’s not due for a year yet, conveniently when Oxlade-Chamberlain’s contract is expiring. That’s assuming we’re letting the latter go.

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I’m finding the criticism of FSG pretty laughable to be honest.

Decisions on playing staff are taken at club level with maybe a nod given by the top brass when we spend some cash. To my knowledge they haven’t said “no” to anything.

Secondly inward investment directly by the owners is scrutinised under FFP and yet it’s demanded in certain quarters while slating City at the same time.

The business philosophy looks pretty solid as a club being self sufficient but some seem to be expert accountants and are happy to blow the farm every Summer.


Nothing unusual about criticism of the owners/individual players after a bad loss. Some people are angry and want a target for that anger.

I’m not sure we need to look for blame, but the club needs to look for solutions

and in the meantime?

putting aside the fact that Bellingham is avaliable…(every footballer is.thats not FM, thats just life. its up to the club to go out and get him.)…and accepting the club will wait until next year

…replace Milner, Replace Keita…

surely we cant end up with 3 out and 1 in NEXT YEAR and think thats good planning? i dont know…maybe we can?

No, every window.

laugh away.

just dont lump me in with the ‘want to spend 200 mil every summer’ group please.

couldve gone big this summer, not eventhat big to be honest, to upgrade the names being thrown about.

i mean surely…surely…theres room in the budget for larger outgoings on players…on a year we played every game avaliable, are we truely saying our net spend is close to maxed out at the 20-70 million mark (depending on where you lump the Diaz transfer)…

if it is, we are truely fucked if we miss out on top four and FSG should be looked at even more for not capitalising on this period of relative success.

You asked about Oxlade-Chamberlain.

And as for the rest, we had what, 9 midfielders (including Carvalho) before we signed Arthur. Chances are Milner has already been replaced in a way. Although I don’t really follow rumours very closely, I remember select parts of this forums being up in arms over reports that we were looking to extend Keïta’s contract, so I think the thinking wasn’t to replace him.

Ok I won’t but worth noting that there is a clear plan with regard to player in and outs. Again that is managed at club level. Perhaps people need to question the club rather than FSG?

That’s a ridiculous reply. The suggestion I gave is just as valid as yours, which you’ve repeated constantly as if it’s the truth. Neither of us have a clue what’s going on behind the scenes.

And I’ve stated before that Klopp should have made tactical adaptations before now as it’s clear that what worked before isn’t working currently.

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Thought that Klopp said he prefers to take a little more risk but that the funds were not available. FSG is providing the funds …

He didn’t say anything about funds. That part was assumed by most people, which is the point of what @Mascot and I were discussing. He only said that others didn’t feel like pushing the risk.

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