The Owners - FSG

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Brilliant last season. Came within a gnatā€™s knickers of an unprecedented quadruple.

Slow start this season. Team looks hungover - mentally, and probably not ready physically yet either, given the shortened preseason.

All exacerbated by injuries, concentrated in the engine room.

Our owners, whatever the viewpoint, are the same owners we had when we were within a whisker of winning the quad, and whatever we are now. They have built up the club very well, living off its own means so it is sustainable. Some money, in the form of loans, has been put in, to expand infrastructure. They donā€™t put money in for transfers.

Where has it got us?

To a very good place indeed. Apart from artificially inflated clubs, we have a great case for being the best there is. And for several years in a row we have been going toe to toe with said artificial club in Man City.

What we have now is a few things coming together, but we will regroup and kick on this season, though probably to more of a top four sort of level than a title challenging one. I hope Iā€™m wrong there and we go higher. The midfield is being retooled, with the emergence of a couple of younger players. That work will continue apace next summer, when thereā€™s a bit of a clear out with a few contracts expiring.

The owners, throughout, have been the same as they ever were.

I would prefer more cash being made available, but the model is sound and we have done very well under FSG.


I think Klopp took a risk after we missed out on Tchouameni and was hoping we could get through the season with minimal injuries in the midfield and we would see how our other targets looked after another year (Kone, Caicedo, Fernandez). Unfortunately we had more players injured than we could cope with and we tried to do something at the last minute. We were quoted insane prices and FSG were not willing to pay.

Well with all the money the club is making they should have since we have an injury prone squad, yes top players are expensive tough luck.


The idea of ā€˜riskā€™ is a really interesting one.

Everyone has assumed Klopp was talking about money, because, well, thatā€™s the first thing on their mind as well.

Klopp could have been, as @rab has been arguing all summer, referring to widening the parameters of the players we will sign, not waiting for perfection before moving.


Iā€™m wondering if Arthur is a ā€œriskyā€ signing by those parametersā€¦

Iā€™ll nip to DFS and buy a table.

hey I have an idea, going to buy a business that I keep having to dump my own money into. year after year. Iā€™ll never sell it or take money out of it to reap the rewards of my investment and time. Will just keep having to invest millions of my own money into it annually.

The fucking thought process boggles my mind.

out of curiosity, who on this board actually owns their own business?

again. why do people think itā€™s a requirement of owning a business to keep putting their own money into it, year after year?

Shouldnā€™t the business be re-investing itā€™s profits, to be sustainable?

fuck sake.


No they arenā€™t, the club is

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let me unboogle it for you

think of it as less a business but more as a property playā€¦

you dont crystalise the real profits until you sell, but even if you have a long term viewrare (not year on year, no ones asking for that) upgrades from capital input can assist the value

especially if you are going to be in a market against a few mansions in the local area.

yes. i have my on business.

but its not even about that, genuine question to those that trawl the books;

can the club go into slightly more debt to compete on the field and still service the loan?


FSG own the club, so the clubā€™s funds belong to FSG.

tone of the conversation has turned a bit methinksā€¦

anyone expecting just a little bit more in a pivotal summer is likened to someone whoā€™d allow Jurgen to piss on the shankley gates (or whatever) and expects FSG to year on year throw dead cash at the building, because a few people on the forum wanted keitas contract extended it goes to reason we ALL wanted that and didnt want upgrades, Bellingham is in the bag and no one can ever speculate that what Klopp says is guided by a brief that can be changed, anyone wanting a midfielder and suggesting the club fund it are niave to the ways of the world.

i get it.

apologies for raising head above the parapet


but weā€™re not talking about an asset-based company here. Not even the value of the player contracts, because those contracts are considered a depreciating liability. the value is in the brand, the copyrights, and the tangible assets like Anfield/Kirkby.

The only way to raise the value of the brand is by success on and off the pitch. Looking at whatā€™s happened to former titans of football like AC Milan, Barcelona, etcā€¦ itā€™s not hard to see why the club wouldnā€™t want to extend themselves too far


Yes but the club draws on funds that itā€™s generated. Thereā€™s no begging bowl

It doesnā€™t matter. It is still FSGā€™s money.

not all FSGā€™s money. which brings me around to this little snippet I read. @kopstar can I get your thoughts on this?

Now that the deal has been completed, RedBird will most likely need to reassure European soccerā€™s governing body, UEFA, that it will comply with rules barring one investor from owning a significant share in two teams playing in its competition. Milan and Liverpool will both play in this seasonā€™s Champions League but have not been drawn to play in the same opening groups. They could meet in the knockout phase. RedBird also owns the French soccer team Toulouse.

so what would UEFA say if LFC and Milan met in the UCL? Is that simply not allowed? What are the reprecussions?

Doesnā€™t that also affect the City Football Group from their investment in other European clubs such as Troyes?

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How much money has been put into Kirkby and Anfield?

Main Stand - Ā£120M
Anfield Rd End - Ā£80M
Kirkby - Ā£50

Technically yes but with respect given that FFP doesnā€™t allow squad investment by clubs owners which is exactly what many amateur pundits are asking for. Hence my comment.

Itā€™s a non-issue. RedBird doesnā€™t have a controlling stake in Liverpool, not even close.

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