The Owners - FSG

10% isn’t a controlling stake? What constitutes a controlling stake, then?

Generally 51% but in reality a stake that gives the controlling voting rights on the board.


Of course that has no barring.

CFG make sure they bribe the right people to turn a blind eye to what they do

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It’s more a question of what would it take for people to actually throw a bit of blame in Jurgen’s direction. It’s seems quite obvious to me that Klopp has been quite culpable in the lack of strengthening in midfield this summer. But FSG still cop all the flak.

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I would think, that in this case of a possible match between two clubs which share ownership I could see UEFA having a concern for conflict of interest where they could be match fixing involved?

No. Red Bull had to take certain steps with regard to Leipzig and Salzburg but they still have a much bigger ownership stake in both clubs than RedBird has in Liverpool and Milan.


Someone mentioned Shankly earlier, which reminded me of this…Damn it, could this be the reason that our season so far has gone down so poorly!!! :scream:


if you’re a club owner and your manager tells you he needs more midfielders…you see this :

how do you respond?

“how many more do you need for three positions?”

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I think everyone agrees that it’s the quality (fitness and/or creativity), and not quantity.


By saying over half of them shouldn’t be here.

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The midfield issue is not numbers. Everyone knows this.

We could lose six of the nine, recruit three good players to replace them, and go with a fantastic group of six - durable, good age, great quality.

Course correction is coming as contracts wind down, but in the meantime the summer business case was clear: investment was needed in the midfield in order to not risk slipping back, even slightly, from the place we have worked so hard to get to.

Yes, mistakes have been made in midfield, as too many have been allowed to get old and/or continue on our payroll while not offering enough value on the pitch.

Even then, the business case is clear: mistakes happen! Overall our track record is excellent. Let’s dig in and compare to the recruitment of our rivals.

Mind you, the conversation now is like shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted. The window has SLAMMED shut, lol, so we have to get on with it.

I’m backing Arthur to be a shrewd acquisition, and our youngsters to make more of a case for themselves as the season progresses. It will be half a step back, overall (that’s the risk to owners) before taking subsequent steps forward.

Personally, am guessing the club probably thought they had Tchew-on-me locked in to sign before Real put a massive offer in front of him and lured him away, which meant Casemiro then headed to Mancs.

That one hurt, I think. Then, they were scrambling for answers to a question we didn’t have

Okay, not to be a dick about this but when people have perhaps pointed the finger at Klopp this summer and questioned whether his loyalty to some players might not be to the benefit of the team or that there might need to be compromise on targets in order to address a glaring weakness, you’ve been one of his most staunch defenders.

Typically the argument has been his loyalty to players is what makes the group so cohesive or waiting a year for a shot at the one they think is 100% perfect is better than taking the guy now who they think is only a 90% fit to what they’re after.

Now those discussions got quite heated and I don’t want to tread over old ground but you were adamant then that Klopp was doing the right thing and argued that stance very vehemently and you’re also adamant FSG aren’t the issue here either.

So the question is, where does blame lie for this situation?

3 positions for a possible 60 games though. :grinning:
Also look at our rivals they have similar numbers and some more.

As I said up in the thread, it’s a collective failure… From Klopp pushing to renew Hendo and Milner and being happy with his midfield options (knowing the injury records), to FSG not overpaying at the end of the window when Klopp admitted he was wrong.

You add that to the collective failure of the pre-season i.e. prioritising commercial over fitness, pushing the players too hard etc. I think top to bottom we’ve not done very well.

I take hope from the fact this is the first full scale failure from the club for a long time and I think we’ll turn it around… Ironically old Liz popping off might just give us that small window to reset everything…

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Then let me be clear.

I’ll defend the process all day, and if (as I suspect is the case) the transformational signing that they want is not available until next year I’ll defend them waiting, as they did for Van Dijk.

Personally I would have been looking for a midfielder as a priority, but I’m not going to stamp my feet about it when I have 1% of the information that Klopp and his team have got. That’s just basic humility.

But if you do want to stamp your feet and kick off, if you are one of these ‘not acceptable’ and ‘not good enough’ lads, I think you should at the very least be pointing the finger at the right person.

It seems absolutely obvious that the biggest barrier to us actively signing a suitable midfielder has not been FSG, but Jurgen Klopp

But Jurgen Klopp is massively popular and adored, and FSG are already disliked by fans so that’s where the blame ends up sitting. Unfairly in my view.

Wait, so if anyone is to blame it’s Klopp. But, if you point a finger his way then you’re just “stamping your feet” and being chucked in with all the loons on Twitter. And anyway he has more information than you so you should show some humility and not question his decisions.

So point the finger in the right direction and you’ll be told you’re still wrong to question the decisions?

If you want to do the blame and anger thing, then yeah. Blame Klopp

My position is more like ‘Hmm. That not what I’d have done and it might be a mistake, but let’s give them the benefit of the doubt. They’ve done well for us do far’.

And I haven’t said that if you point the finger at Klopp, that’s the same as stamping your feet and kicking off. I said if you want to stamp your feet and kick off, then at least blame the right person.

Klopp gave Milner a new contract knowing he was not getting new faces in the window? Well Klopp didn’t actually give him the contract :flushed:

Yes, but when people give the same balanced perspective on FSG you come back with some crap about Klopp pissing on the Shankly statue. You seem unaware of your own blinkers while pointing out others’.

None of us really know what’s going on behind the scenes.

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