The Owners - FSG

Probably a good thing hes been tasked with the sale or part sale. Expect him to be mindful of the clubs values and for any new investmet to come from sources that dont go against those values.

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im not a racist…but surely even the most liberal of us here wouldnt have an issue with such a common sense approach

Great to see that Indy is working hard on our behalf. Are there any questions you would like him to put to the FSG “official” while they sip cocktails at the Marriot?

Indy offering incentives to the fsg offical


Would you like fries with that?

I think we know who’s in charge of that account now. Marriott hotel bar takings up 20% on Sat night.

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Not really. In private the House of Saud does all kinds of stuff, drinking included.


Surely not! I can’t believe that the rulers inflict one set of rules and live by another at the peasant’s expense. That would be at odds with all human history….


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Who is volunteering to send the strippogram… :0)

Whichever staff member we have that’s closest :thinking:

This may be why @ISMF emigrated.


In the 80s I worked for a guy who had been a high level army officer who had been living in Saudi and he said this was certainly true then. He said he went to royal family parties where alcohol was drunk and the women in the family wore western clothes and make up. I was always very suspicious that the company was a front as he spent a lot of time on the phone talking in arabic.

About 15 years ago he was all over the news claiming to have been stitched up by British Intelligence over a shady deal with…

I just saw there was a “fan group” trying to organise protests against FSG. Has anyone who actually lives in Liverpool and goes to matches heard of this?

Saw this on twitter the other day :roll_eyes:

Sensible western owners out.

Keep your banners to hand lads and ladies, you’ll be using them again very soon if you get your way. You’ll need to change them but you will.

Careful what you wish for.


Here’s an idea, stay the fuck away from Anfield.


Journalist :open_mouth::joy::joy:

Why should they?

Fans have a right to protest if they feel the need to.

I strongly doubt this happens.

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Be the first time the main stand has seen any reaction in a while.


They’re walking from the Albert to the Main Stand?

That’s basically crossing a road.